Friday, December 31, 2010
Just one more birthday....
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Shake it up...
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Total eclipse of the... Moon....
Seth Rogan, Ashley Tisdale, Jake Gyllenhaal, Patrick Shwayze, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jerry Trainor of Icarly, Drew Barrymore, Jena Malone It's kinda crazy.
But anyway... I wanted to talk about the Luna eclipse we had the other day...
It was so magical!!! I got some amazing shots with my canon!
Here they are!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
You are the Ornament to my Christmas tree....
I signed up for a Ornament swap
through a blog called Freshlyblended
In the swap you have to design a handmade ornament
that you can make multiples of
and send them to the people in your assigned group.
I thought this was soooo Awesome.
I wanted my ornament to be something that you wouldn't normally see in the store.
So I made my ornaments and Today I finally sent them out.
I'm not going to post any pictures of the Ornaments quite yet,
I dont want to ruin it for my other group members.
I have to admit I am kind of proud of them.
I love getting the package in the mail and opening it only to discover a new Ornament.
When I get all of them I will do a post about them!
So Excited!
Monday, December 13, 2010
A stabbing pain that says I lack
Friday, December 10, 2010
Why me....
Thursday, December 9, 2010
You wanted arts and crafts, How's this for arts and crafts?
Friday, December 3, 2010
I lock myself inside my head and I just run in place
and now I'm going to add 2 more. ^_^
These 2 vids are ones that I am currently obsessed with.
The first is by Middle Class Rut "New low"
and the second is by The Parlotones "Push me to the floor". Enjoy!
*Side note* My Chemical Romance Tonight!!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
My mind is open wide and now i'm ready to start...
We started on 12th street
and we walked downtown (of course stopping in shops along the way) to Broome street.
Our mission was simple, we were heading to Topshop to get my christmas present.
I had seen it on the website and fell in love with it.
Let me show you...
Knitted Lace Insert Jumper - Topshop USA
It was really love at first sight, haha I'm getting so romantic over a sweater.
But anyway we found it and we purchased!
I also dragged my mother into Lush, I'm working on converting her. ^_~
Oh, and as we were walking downtown I saw a cupcake cart and I bought us Mini cupcakes.
Only to see my favorite cupcake truck a few blocks later.
Sooo typical.
So after all the shopping and wandering that we did we went into my fave place for a bite to eat...
Then we walked back to the car,
Where I realised we forgot to do something
I had wanted to stop at Union Square Park to check out the Holiday Fair that they have there every year.
Every year I buy a Trinity Knot something for myself.
They have a booth there that sells Celtic jewlery but alas it will have to wait.
I have until Xmas to get one.
Well this got me thinking of some of the things that I want to do....
So here is a short list of things that I want to do before the New year:
1. Go to Holiday Fair
2. Go on one of the Haunted walking tours in NY
link here---> GhostofNY
3. Get back into skating... Slowly of course... I don't need to injure myself.... Again.
4. Go to the Aquarium
5. Celebrate my Birthday/New year with the people I care about.
*Side note* I went on a date last Friday, that was pretty Awesome.... ^_^
Thursday, November 18, 2010
These are a few of my favorite things...
So with no further ado and in no particular order
Here it goes:
I don't know when exactly my love of cupcakes began, but I am currently obsessed with a bakery in Pleasentville called Flour and Sun bakery. Their Red Velvet cupcakes are out of this world!

When I was younger my family would rent a house for a week in the Hampton's, on one of our shopping trips, I was with my Grandma Gerry and I fell in love with a pair of earrings.
I begged my grandmother for them incessantly I remember her saying "Your never going to wear them" I replied "I'll wear them everyday" She eventually caved and bought them for me.
I wore those earrings for most of my childhood and I still have them. My collection of trinity knot has grown since then.
Mini, she is Awesome, the first time I ever went to her I was Extremely sick. I was running a ridiculous fever and I had set up the appointment in advance because my schedule at that time crazy and I wouldn't have time to do it another day. So I went despite feeling so craptastic. We had to stop several times because I felt like I was going to pass out. Despite all of that she did my hair amazingly well, she is the only person I trust with my hair.
I am going to sound like a total hippie but the energy that flows through the crowd at a show is like nothing I have ever experienced. You go through so many emotions : Elation, Sadness, Camaraderie and even Singularity.

Used book stores
I love the smell of all of the old books, digging through the miss matched stacks, finding a book that you read a long time ago, discovering your new favorite book. Being in a used bookstore brings me to a place of utter and complete calm. I love it.

Monday, November 15, 2010
You push me over and I crack...
Monday, November 8, 2010
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind....
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Take Me Out!
Thing's like this make me love the city I live in even more! I love you, New York!
*Side note* I got my tickets last week and forgot to mention it. So Say Anything here I come
*Side side note* I miss you Jesse! and send me the link to your new blog, I can't find it!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
For a minute there I lost myself.... I lost myself....
Saturday, October 23, 2010
My starry eyes were sacrificed....
The Dog goes crazy, like most dogs , Luna despises the Mailman.
I rip the mail out of the box and the madness begins
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wish upon a star but...Do you know what stars are?
Friday, October 15, 2010
Starbucks Fail....
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Can I get close to you...
So this has been a pretty uneventful post but I will take some pics of Wheeler soon.
so get Amped... Cause I am!!
*Side note* Wheeler is adorable!!!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Cool Coffee sleeve
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Cityscape forever gray.... Stuck in time, stuck inside my mind...

Saturday, October 2, 2010
Whats up, Blog!
Well I was in my first craft show!!
I think it was a great experience all around
I really felt like I put myself out there more then I ever have before.
Here are some pic's:
My car got a new steering wheel column.
I saw American Idiot the Bway play (Loved it!!)
I remodeled my room with the help of my friend MarMar (A lot of help(Thanks!!!))
My hermit crab passed on...bye Opal
My little cousin Isabella started walking
I went to some Carnivals
My car got 4 new tires
I also discovered that my car needs 2 sway bar links and a new spring... Lovely.
Finally figured out how to start closing this blanket I've been working on for a year.
I went apple picking.
I got a new cell phone.
I finally bought a song shop song!
and the last thing I can think of is that I got a new sewing machine!!
So that's everything that's been going on,
I've been happy and content
but something is not right or maybe somethings missing...
I don't know what it is but at least now I feel like I'm finally moving in the right direction.
I am taking control of my life, i'm not going to let it lead me blind anymore.
On a lighter note, the weather is finally just the way I like it
Its time for coco and sweaters and hoodies!
I love it!
So my darlings I will leave you with the promise that I will be updating more frequently like I used to! Sorry!!
*Side note* I still want to learn french...
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Don't you know i'm not your ghost anymore...
Ok so I'm totally in love with this song...
BTW I'm sorry I have been totally neglecting my blogity blog. I am planning on sitting down tomorrow and writing a real post, I have some many things to update you on.
So my dears I apologize, and expect a big old fat update with pictures!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Collect 365 Moments
Basically I will be taking a photo of people that I do not know for 365 days.
I'm really excited about this because It forces me to go out every day and take a picture.
It's easy and hard at the same time
because I get so many good shots
I can't decide which ones to pick for the picture of the day.
So If you have a chance please check out my project at
and here are some shots that didn't make it as picture of the day today!
Friday, August 27, 2010
What has this world come to....
"LIMA, Peru -- Police in Peru say two Roman Catholic priests have been stabbed to death inside a historic monastery two blocks from the capital's main square.
The victims are identified as Ananias Aguila of Peru and Linan Ruiz of Puerto Rico.
Homicide department chief Miguel Canlla says they were slain before dawn Friday. Police suspect a robbery, but Canlla did not say whether objects of value were missing.
The two clerics ran a soup kitchen for the poor, and Ruiz directed religious youth groups.
They were slain at the San Francisco monastery. It is a popular tourist stop with religious paintings, sculptures and ornamentation dating to the 16th century."
I don't understand why this had to happen to him, I have so many unanswered questions.

Monday, August 23, 2010
Looking to my future.....
She started by tell me about my character she said
" You are a genuine and generous and you are very self less person and I see you in a career taking car of people."
Pretty good so far, right.
she continued
" I see that you are going to live a long life, your parents have very high expectations of you"
God does she live in my house!
"You are not a materialistic person and you will be content with a job that allows you to live comfortably."
Sounds about right
she then asked me to make a wish
and I did! (but I won't tell you ^_~)
" I see you thinking about 2 guys lately" I told her one of them
" one of the guys name starts with an A"
(I don't know who that is)
"I see a lot of guys looking at you (one works with cars) but you are guarded, you need to let your guard down."
"I like the group of friends that you are keeping, they are honest and genuine people"
"This year you are going to figure out the direction that you are meant to go in, no more question marks"
" I see you getting married at 28 and no divorce or separation"
Friday, August 20, 2010
I guess he's an Xbox, and I'm more like Atari....
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Thought I was lost but I was stranded...
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
And our dreams will break the boundaries of our fears
Monday, July 26, 2010
Life should be that simple...I wish it were just so simple
that looks alot like the one below.

So I took it for a spin last week while I was in Cape May, NJ, Vacaing with Fam. After some research I found the film for it and I was ready. I really didn't know what to expect at first because I had never used a camera like this.
At first pack of film (which is 10 exp, like most Polaroid film) Well.. it reeally didn't turn out so well... they were out of focus and i didn't hold the shutter down long enough... So yeah. by the Second roll I had gotten the hang of it and I wanted to share some of the pic's I took with it.
So here we go:
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
You can judge all the world on the sparkle that you think it lacks
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
We are just breakable, breakable, breakable girls...
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The people in my life have to keep me grounded...
It's true...
I can be so ridiculous sometimes...
and I'm starting to realize that and that scares me...
I have been away for the past few weeks and just a few days into my trip,
I fell and sprained my knee very badly.
It was a total bummer and it made my trip kinda suck a little bit.
I'm still not fully recovered..
and I have just learned that I incapable of sitting still...
It's a problem when I'm trying to heal...
it's taking sooo long...
at this point I'm trying to heal my self using sheer willpower...It's not working....
So yeah... thats whats really been going on.
so heres a list of things I wish I could do right this moment...
1. Swim
2. Jump on a trampoline
3. Run
4. Go to the city
5. Hang out in Brooklyn w/ my Great Grandma
Here's a list of things I have to do
1. Clean my room
2. Find a job
3. Make word bubble chalk boards
4. Get my oil changed
5. Color my hair back to normal
*Side Note* I love Painting my Nails!!
Monday, June 21, 2010
I'm in love and given away....
I am currently in South Dakota and on my way to Custer state park.
So far the trip has been amazing!
We started in Deadwood and we took a road trip to Devils tower, where close encounters of the third kind was filmed, and we did a mile hike around the whole tower.
We also went into an old gold mine.
It was a fantastic experience!
I am kinda shocked that I am having such a good time.
To be honest I thought it would be kind of boring, but happily I have been proved wrong!
The first day I was a bit nausaus, because we are so high up compared to NY.
I was told this is becasue I was am to being at sea level.
I am going to be traveling for another week or so,
and I have a ton more places that I am going to be visiting.
Check my Flickr for picture updates!
I have already posted some pics of my trip thus far!
Well I will talk to you guys soon!
*Side note* I miss NY a little...
Monday, June 14, 2010
She can still here that Rebel Yell just as loud as it was in 1983.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Somethings missing in me, I felt it deep within me as lovers left me to bleed...alone....
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Worst day of my life.... thus far...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
If I had something to say to I'd whisper it softly..
- love +Hate
- Penelope
- Stardust
- Kick Ass
- I Love you, Man
- Ameile
- Shoot em up
- Mirrormask
- Forgetting Sarah Marshall
- Mallrats
I was thinking about this in the car today and I thought I would share. So to make my life just that much more interesting I think I'm going to take Archery lessons, I found this place in Queens that teaches it and a bonus is that after the lesson I can head to Brooklyn to see my Great grandmother. She's so Great!
So yeah, I know what you might be thinking
"Really Delilah, Another hobby! This is getting ridiculous, how many more things are you going to take up!"
But I say to you this "Talk to the hand" & "I jus like being all diversified n shit."
Just kidding, but if that's how you see it, whatev's I enjoy a wide array of things to do, that way I always have something to practice, also you never know when your going to need it.
So as you may or may not know the Ice skating season is pretty much over, but Roller skating season is on! Lol skating officially starts June 4Th at EJ Murry rink in Yonkers, that's is where I will be on June 4Th. Can't Wait!
I'm going to be painting my Skates this week I haven't decided what yet but when I finish I will post a pic. ^_^ Later
*Side Note* I HATE the new NY Licence plates.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
My hands are only extensions