The worst day...
I was around 14 years old, I lived in westchester and went to High School in Manhattan, so every morning I would get up @ 6am and grab the Bus to 23rd Street. The ride was about an hour long so normally I would go to sleep while on the bus.
So one night on my way home I fell asleep, When I woke up I realized I had missed my bus stop and was way far from my house. I remember it was raining that night, and I was still new to westchester.
I got off at the next stop and called my house to try and get someone to pick me up
No one answered, I called my parents cell phone's and no answer. Being a lowly H.S student I had like no money on me to even take a bus.
I threw my hood over my head and with my shoulder slouched I started to walk toward the direction that my house was in. After a while of walking, I was soaked, my shoes were squeaking and my clothes were heavier, I tried calling home again, to no avail.
I have never felt so alone in my entire life.
So in the dark, while it rained, I kept walking and then I started to cry.
My sadness turned anger, my tears that came from feeling alone and deserted like no one cared became these angry tears.
I was mad at myself for crying, I was mad at my parents who didn't seem to notice that their child was mising. I was mad at how cliche it was to be crying in the rain at night.
I was angry at the universe.
Eventually my phone died, after about 2 hours of walking I got home. I walked into my house dripping, and there was my mom, so casual saying hello to me.
As if it was normal for me to walk in the house at 8pm, when I got out of school at 2:30 and usually got home by 4pm. I was Furious, I yelled for about 20 mins on how I had to walk all the way home in the rain.
All my mother had to tell me "who told you to fall asleep on the bus"
I stormed off to my room, My mother eventually said sorry and I got over it after a few days.
What I did learn was that the only one who's gonna be there for me is me.

You poor thing, even though it sucked, its good you got such a great lesson out of it. And I love the pic, it goes so well with your story
Oh wow, you never told me this story before. :(
Wow that sucks. Did you ever find out where it was you ended up?
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