Saturday, December 31, 2011
A quarter of a centery old....
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination
I realized quickly when I knew I should
That the whole world's MADE UP OF this brotherhood of man
FOR whatever that means
And so I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed
Just to get it all out, what's in my head
And I, I am feeling a little peculiar
And so I wake in the morning and I step outside
And I take A deep breath and I get real high
And I scream from the top of my lungs,
What's goin' on
And I say hey.... hey....
I said hey, what's goin' on
And I say hey.... hey....
I said hey, what's goin' on
Ooh, Ooh, Oooohh, Oooohh, what's up...
Ooh, Ooh, Oooohh, Oooohh, what's up...
And I try, oh my God, do I try
I try all the time in this institution
And I pray, oh my God, do I pray
I pray every single day FOR A REVOLUTION!
And so I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed
Just to get it all out, what's in my head
And I, I am feeling a little peculiar
And so I wake in the morning and I step outside
And I take deep breath and I get real high
And I scream from the top of my lungs,
And I say hey.... hey....
I said hey, what's goin' on
And I say hey.... hey....
I said hey, what's goin' on
And I say hey.... hey....
I said hey, what's goin' on
And I say hey.... hey....
I said hey, what's goin' on
Ooh, Ooh, Oooohh, Oooohh, what's up...
25 years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Change came in disguise of revelation...
I would have thought that I would have accomplished something substantial by now but when I look back I see a river of half finished endeavors.
That makes me sad.
I think for a long time I have been holding myself back and I'm not quite sure from what..
Am I scared of success? Fearful of happiness?
Too content with haunting the shadows of my own life?
Its hard to come out of the shadows when they have been a part of you for so long, for me they have become a second skin.
I'm sure that I have let people that dance in the light push me in the shadows.
I let them make me feel like less to the point where I walked into the darkness without a fight.
I don't like the attention, the light gives to much away, cracks can be seen in the facade.
The shadow is much kinder.
I was watching one of my favorite old movies the other day and a line that stuck with me was "Life is a Banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death"
The man who wrote the book in which the movie was based off of,
lived the later part of his life as a butler for a wealthy family until his death.
He didn't need to work, he was wealthy in his own right.
I thought about this for a while...
We all have goals and plans that we set for ourselves to achieve the lives we dream of
but despite goals we need purpose,
without purpose you will never be satisfied even if you reach and accomplish your goals.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
collapse right on the back of tumbling waves...
I am aware that I tend to over think things but lately I feel like I am just completely thick. I am struggling to come to terms with my life and decide which way I want to turn.
I hate the way I've let someone get under my skin and open up parts of myself that I had kept closed in order to keep myself safe.
I am walking in a emotional hallway made of broken glass one wrong turn and its over for me. I have been here before and just managed to make it out.
It took me 3 years to fully recover from my previous injuries,
Do I really want to open myself up to get hurt again?
I scared it might already be too late.
I've been having really vivid dreams lately...
I have been want to write them down before I forget them.
Dream 1
I am in a boarding school, my mother works as a teacher there.
I am heading to one of my classes and I meet a brother and sister.
We become friends and we discover that we are heading to the same class so we decide that we will walk together. so were walking, and I usually took the long way to the class but they said they knew a shortcut and it cost a dollar.
We took the shortcut and it took us to an elevator, we got in and the doors began to close
a hand stopped the door from closing and it opened again revealing 3 people two guys and a girl.
They piled into the elevator and my new friends said it was too crowded and exited the elevator leaving me and the 3 people.
One of the guys caught my attention and I kept peeking up to look at him only to find him looking back at me. The doors closed and the elevator began to move, I couldn't tell in which direction.
The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened to a beach. I looked out the doors and said "Shit" as I dropped my things and ran down the beach shedding shoes and socks as I went.
A yacht was on fire and sinking in the ocean, when I looked back the 3 people were doing the same rushing to help the people on the sinking ship. I jumped in and started dragging people to shore and then I looked on the boat and there was Paris Hilton. I swam out again to rescue her and dragged her to shore. I collapsed on the beach my chest heaving and I looked at the guy again and he was all wet and breathing the same way, watching me.
Dream 2
I was a mermaid...
I was swimming in the ocean free and carelessly, I swam to a cove where other mermaids were hanging out, I sat on a rock that was just barely covered with water and watched the other mermaid and mermen chat and swim as I flicked my tail back and forth.
Out of the ocean a merman that I knew swam up to me and reached his hand out to me.
It was an invitation.
I grasped his hand and he pulled me into a hug.
Still in the hug we dove underwater and he swam taking me with him, he held onto me tight and I felt like I was safe and home.
Is it weird that my dreams lately are having a running ocean theme? Last night I had another dream but I don't remember it as well, but I do know that I was on a pirate ship in the ocean and there was a Chinese man on the boat with me...
That's all I remember...
I know random...
*Side note* I really hope that I can make it out of the glass hallway unscathed...
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Dear people of the Customer service industry,
I did nothing to warrant your bad attitude and I am simply trying to get in and out of your store as quickly as possible.
When I approach you, you could Oh, I don't know try a smile or a friendly gesture instead of the look of annoyance that you so graciously put on your face.
This is after all your job, you signed up for this, no one is forcing you to work with people.
You could work in a morgue, become a lion tamer and even a pilot but you chose this.
So when I ask you if you know where something is, don't let out a huge sigh,
throw down whatever you were doing and walk away from me with out a single
"I'll be right back"
"Let me check, I just started here"
"I'm not quite sure"
because guess what... This is your job.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
I don't answer work calls on the weekends. That's my personal time. My boss has developed an very unhealthy attachment to me
and it would be a disservice,
not only me but to him as well, if I answered all the time.
He has called me to ask me how to back up his vacation pictures onto his computer and I'm just like that's not my job. So I come to work today to discover the reason behind his incessant calling. His daughter had a school project and he wanted me to type it up...
Wait... What? Really... Are you serious?
He's a really nice guy which is why I don't mind going out of my way for him
but at some point I have to draw a line and I am totally at that point...
I've been looking for a new job but at this point in time nothing has come up.
Hopefully something will pop up and I can escape what is becoming my hell...
I know when I start to feel this way,
it's time to find something else and fast.
Nanowrimo is coming along, not as well as I had hopes for but I will keep at it.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Hocus Pocus...
This has to be one of my favorite holidays besides Christmas,
It's the one day a year where everyone is weird and no one judges them for it! lol
I love seeing all the costumes, I like to think that the costume that a person chooses reflects their personality.
this year for Halloween I was an owl, Nix was Cleopatra.

I also hung out with my little cousin Bella... here are some pic's.

Which stands for National Novel Writing Month,
For the past two years I have participated in it and I have yet to finish a book,
I'm hoping that this is my year.
I'm going to have to write at least 12,500 words a week to reach my 50,000 word goal.
In order to do this I'm going to set aside an hour each day of pure writing time.
I'm really excited for this and I have been looking forward to it all month.
So wish me luck everyone!
I'm going to go watch Hocus Pocus (my favorite Halloween movie) to add the cherry on top of my... All Hollows Eve.

Monday, October 10, 2011
Be running up that road, Be running up that hill, Be running up that building.
It’s hard, trying to figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life.
I want to go back to school and get a degree in art therapy, I feel like it’s a really good fit for me. I am good at listening and I feel that art is a fantastic way to express yourself.
At the same time, there is so much more that I want to do… I think my problem (and I’m not trying to sound conceited in any way) is that I am really good at a lot of things and I want to do everything. Is that even feasible?
I draw, I paint, I bake, I craft, and I write.
I would like to become a writer and a book illustrator and the next week I want to open a coffee shop/ bakery. Ask me what I want to do a week later and I guarantee it will be something else. I like learning skills and gaining knowledge, I have a passion for that.
You have no idea how many half written stories I have on my computer and my drawings are slowly taking over my room. Don’t get me started on the books… Stacks of them everywhere, books on psychology, writing, crocheting, fiction, biographies, sewing, starting businesses, and knitting. Look in a corner of my room and you’ll see a book.
I’m in a very introspective mood right now. I don’t really know where I am going with this post anymore. Next month is NaNoWrMo (National Novel Writing Month) and every year I take part in it and every year I get discouraged at some point and give up but I get a little farther each time.
Last year’s book was about zombies (I’m kind of sad I didn’t finish it, every once in a while I open it up and write a little more in it) and this year I plan on writing about a song. I have started creating an outline for it and I am hoping that if I prepare ahead of time this year I will be able to finish it in the allotted time.
*Side note* How much are you loving Fall right now!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
White demon love song's in her dreams....
You know that moment when you hear a song that you've
heard before and for the first time you really hear it.
Well I just had one of those moments.
Its like waking up.
I haven't done a song interpretation in a while
So after letting the song encapsulate my brain I figured I would do one....
The song starts off by telling you a story of a girl that is in love
with someone that doesn't love her the same way
and the memory of him is haunting her.
White demon love song down the hall
White demon shadow on the road
Back up your mind, there is a call
He isn't coming after all
Love this time
She likes the way he sings
White demon love song's in her dreams
She misses him and when he walks back into her life
she is hesitant because of the pain that he caused her in the first place.
she realizes that she has placed him on a pedestal that he can not live up to.
All he ever brought her was tears.
White demon, where's your selfish kiss?
White demon sorrow will arrange
Let's not forget about the fear
Black invitation to this place that cannot change
While strangely holy, come for a rain
She tells him how much he hurt her
in hopes that he might see the error of his ways
She tells him that he will end up alone
if he keeps treating people with such disregard
White demon, widen your heart's scope
White demon, who let your friends go?
White demon, widen your heart's scope
White demon, who let your friends go?
She offers him one last chance, almost pleading with him.
Let us be in love
(Let us be in love)
Let's do old and grey
(Let's do old and grey)
I won't make you cry
(I won't make you cry)
I will never stray
(I will never stray)
I will do my part
(I will do my part)
Let us be in love tonight
White demon, widen your heart's scope
White demon, who let your friends go?
White demon, widen your heart's scope
White demon, who let your friends go?
(Stand it anymore, darling)
(Stand it)
He sees the dept to which he has hurt her and he decides that he wants to be with her
But she doesn't want to be with him, she just wanted the choice,
and she doesn't want to be with a man that she had to plead with to love her.
She tells him to learn to deal with the consequences of his actions.
She leaves feeling lighter.
(I can't stand it anymore, darling)
(Stand it)
What do you think?
I went to to see if someone else had gotten the same thing from the song
but the people there are either comparing it to twilight or hating on the twilight people.
Truth is music is interpreted by the person that is listening to it and sometimes they make it mean what they need it to mean.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Psychic Reading
"Your stubborn and when you want to get things done you do.
Your a very productive person, you are always doing some thing. You like to keep busy but I see that you have been stuck in a place that is not good for you involving your career..."
The she asked me where I was working and I told her.
"I see new things happening for you in your career something different from what you are doing now, before the end of this year a job in the arts."
"right now this is the time for your career and friends, I see new friends coming into your life but keep your old friends they are genuine people"
"As far as love I see two people in your past that really hurt you, One still thinks about you because you were the only person that made an effort to be with him and the other person you were genuine with and he didn't know how to be with you, He was the kind of person that doesn't know how to be in a relationship, I also see an issue with substance abuse, I see that he isn't in the right state of mind and I don't see the relationship turning into anything. "
"There are a lot of men around you right now but you have not meet the "One".
You will be married in two years and before the end of the year you will meet the "One" he will have dark hair and dark eyes"
"I see you moving" then she asked me what my living situation was like.
"I see you living with friends but the your moving before the end of this year"
So that was my reading, apparently a lot of things are going to be happening for me by the end of this year. My issue with getting psychic readings is does knowing create a self fulfilling prophecy?
Although I will say she was spot on about how I was feeling about my work situation.
The thing is she's really consistent with her readings like last time I was there almost a year ago she said I was going to be married in 3 years and now its 2 years.
Well lets see what happens? ^_^
Monday, September 26, 2011
so I always shall remember him....
Every once in a while I do this..
The reason I did this was because a song came on the radio and it reminded me of someone.
So I thought I might be fun to make a small list of people that I once dated and the thing that reminds me of them.
Here we go!
St- Coldstone
Chi- Roller blades
Pl- A trinity knot necklace
A- Spearmint gum
Ju- Jimmy Eat world- Night drive
P- Sara Bareilles- Love song
E- Bruce Willis
Sn- Max Bemis and the Painful Splits- Do the Dohnk
J- Eisley- I Wish
Even though they are no longer in my life they still have a place in my memory.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
My Sister's 18th!!
but shes only 2 years from 20.
Blows my mind.
I am proud of the young woman she has started to become
I can't wait to see the young woman she will be.
So on this day...
Happy birthday Angelia
(aka Monkey aka Lea aka Pip aka Angeloser aka Lee)
I love you!
(After looking at some pictures of my sister and I,
we always seem to be on the same sides of our most of out pictures.. weird)

Thursday, September 22, 2011
Deep in the thick of it...
It was pretty rad, I saw this guy who had on a outfit that I would want to grace my own closet, sometimes I wish I was bolder with my fashion choices.

All in all a really great day, it was the kind of simple day that you look back on and remember it fondly, even thought we did nothing Extraordinary it was a great day.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Sometimes Goodbye is a Second Chance...
Anyway for a few moments in time I was thinking about just packing a bag and driving away. Away from everything I know and just start new somewhere.
The thought was really appealing.
It kind of startled me how willing I was to grab some things and leave.
It wasn't scary and I wasn't worried about what would happen to me
because I feel like not matter what I would be okay.
Do people still do this... I'm sure they are the brave ones.
People that have no ties to the place they reside.
I have too many ties here.
So I just finished Neil Gaiman's "Anansi Boys" It was really good, every time I read a new Gaimen book, my love for him grows just that much more.
Here is an interview with him and Craig Ferguson.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
I want to share my love with you.....
I want to be apart of the making of magic,
I want to be around the weavers of fantasy, the spinners of dreams and the creators of the illusion. I want to breathe in the air that has tiny invisible sparkles of light that cause you to see everything with a childlike sense of wonder.
I want to feed off the happiness of the crowd and let it engulf me in a storm of silver glitter and golden light, stealing me away to a place that knows no sadness only joy and a lightness of the soul that never lets me touch the ground.
I crave the nomadic lifestyle, nothing static, my world in a constant state of flux.
New faces attached to a different town that looks like a place I once knew in another life.
I want the smell of cotton candy and fresh popcorn to fill my nostrils every morning upon my waking and I want the sound of children's laughter to drown out the doubts that haunt me at night. I want the vibrations of the crowd's cheers to crawl inside my skin and cause it to hum and glow with light.
But what I want more then anything is to become the illusion,
not just the maker or the designer,
when you look at me I want you to have to shield your eyes
because the light that I am emitting is too much for your eyes to handle.
I want to soar up high in a cloud of shear white silk and rhinestones, not unlike a comet making a trail in the night sky, your eyes glued to the magic unfolding before you.
This is the place that I visit in the small corner of my mind.
So if you see a girl with brown hair and brown eyes that are staring off into space and you wonder where her mind has taken her.
That girl is me and that girl is also circus performer dancing among the stars.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Lovely Words
"There are a hundred things she has tried to chase away the things she won't remember and that she can't even let herself think about because that's when the birds scream and the worms crawl and somewhere in her mind it's always raining a slow and endless drizzle.
You will hear that she has left the country, that there was a gift she wanted you to have, but it is lost before it reaches you. Late one night the telephone will sign, and a voice that might be hers will say something that you cannot interpret before the connection crackles and is broken.
Several years later, from a taxi, you will see someone in a doorway who looks like her, but she will be gone by the time you persuade the driver to stop. You will never see her again.
Whenever it rains you will think of her. "
— Neil Gaiman
Monday, August 1, 2011
A moviescript ending...
Wednesday night. I really dig it. It's like a movie and a picnic. ^_^
They have vendors there if you want to buy food and there is usually some sort of sponsor that is handing out free stuff to the people who attend.
Last week it was vitamin water and southwest airlines.
Every week they show a different movie last week was
"Ferris Buellers day off" and this week it's "Clueless"
They have a good selection of movies, not only in Brooklyn but all over NYC.
If you would like to check it out here is a link:
Epix Movie Screening
It's something I look forward to every week.
Defiantly something I suggest doing!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Who truly stuck the knife in first...
I found this cover of "You know that I'm no good.."
(which is my favorite song of her's) that does the song justice.
you wasted your talent,
which is the real tragedy.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
I'm Sh sh Shaking....
I was in bed just on the cusp of sleep, when all of a sudden my bed started shaking.
I got up and looked around and I realized that it wasn't just the bed that was shaking
It was the whole house...
Now If I could just take a moment and describe the shaking it was like I ate a cell phone and It was on vibrate mode.
At this point in time: 3 things Popped into my head...
1. This is a dream/night terror that has leaked into reality.
2. My room is haunted
3. The house is going to explode.
I got out of bed and the floor was shaking, I put my hand on the wall, it too was shaking.
I went to my mothers room and woke her up and asked "Do you feel the house shaking?"
She looked at me with sleep and confusion glazing her eyes.
"What?... No..."
"Do you?"
Ok, so now I'm thinking, Ive finally lost it, It was bound to happen at sometime or another.
Like a mad person tying to find proof of sanity by convincing another person that there is in fact a pink elephant in the room, I asked again "Are you sure you don't feel the house shaking?"
My mother got up from her bed and walked over to me
"You really don't feel the floor shaking?"I said
"No honey I don't feel anything"
"I guess it's me.. Feel me am I shaking?"
She put her hands on my arms and was quiet for a few seconds
"Nope, I don't feel anything"
I then explained to her what had happened while I was asleep, she dismissed it as a dream/night terror scenario, and that was that..
Until a day later when I was sitting in bed with my sister and I started vibrating again, this time I wasn't sleeping and very much awake.
For me that means its time to Google.
So I typed in Vibrating while asleep, Shaking Graves disease, thyroid vibrating and so on and so forth.
It turns out that other people are experiencing what I am experiencing ...
If your interested here is a link to one of the forums I was reading...
Sleep Disorders
Its a lot of mixed opinions some people say its because I have an autoimmune disease others say I am traveling outside of my body.
All I know is that it is incredibly unsettling.
more then likely it is a symptom of my graves disease...
Just something new I have to deal with, I still in the process of taking test to see how serious my graves is, I just have to wait and see....
Sunday, July 3, 2011
The day that I die?
"Death Meter"
and they ask you a bunch of questions about your lifestyle and based on that Data
they can tell you the day that you are going to Die.
Being the Curious person that I am I took the Quiz.
And my results were......
June 3rd 2071
Time remaining: 21884 days
So I will be 84 years, 5 months, 3 days old.
I wonder if this has any truth to it, I doubt it.
This test is purely based on your lifestyle choices not on accidents.
You know you can be hit by a car tomorrow or a piano can fall on your head.
so yeah just thought this was interesting....
Sunday, June 26, 2011
So I can Die Happy....
A Mister Max Bemis called me!
Eeepp! I don't know how I made it through the call without passing out.
It was a short convo but it totally made my weekend, I was really awestruck.
I was floating around the house for a good hour.
Max was so nice he thanked me for buying a song from him and I told him how much I loved it. Sigh.... It was magical, at least for me. ^_^
Gah, so in other (less girly and gushy) news...
This weekend I was supposed to go away with my aunt, and things didn't quite go as expected which I was really bummed about, I had been looking forward to the trip since she told me about it.
Sometimes these things just don't work out though.
So instead I went to the movies with my sister and we saw "Bad Teacher"
It was really funny, We laughed a lot.
but the weekend isn't over quite yet so I'm sure I'll have more to report later.
Also I wanted to take a minuter and express my love for the new Panic! at the Disco album "Vices and Virtues" I have been listening to it non stop for the past week.
One of my Fave songs is "I wanna be Free"
I'ts seriously Amazing, my favorite Lyrics:
"I wanna be free
I wanna be loved
I wanna be more than you're thinking of
Everything seems to be estranged when you're alone"
so yeah that's all I have to talk about now, I'll keep you posted blog.
*Side Note* He called me, he called me, he called me, he called me.....
Friday, June 10, 2011
Booggity, booggity, booggity, booggity shoop....
Thursday, May 26, 2011
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
And drunkards seem to all agree...
- Make fake mustaches and took pics
- I have been working on suff for my etsy shop.
- I went to a wedding (and realized that I have been to more funerals then weddings)
- My car was in and out of the shop
- I locked myself out of my car... yeah I know
- Hung out with my great Grandmother.
- Had mothers day with my Mom and Aunt.
So later tonight, I am going to post a major post with pictures and more details about my adventures over the past weeks.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Blinding Snow White
This is a Music video I made for Florence and The Machine's "Blinding"
I have been obsessed with this song for a few weeks and every time I listen to it I imagine Snow white, So I decided to make my own Vid, using clips from my favorite version of Snow White titled Snow White: A Tale of Terror.
*Side Note* Let me know what you think!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Eisley's Valley and Better Love
I am in love with the new Album from Eisley (The Valley).
I think it's Amazing. Here are 2 songs off the album.
And I love the feel of this video, It's so spur of the moment jam session-y. I dig, Enjoy!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
I heart Amanda Palmer... ^_^
She is one of my Idol's, she is so creative and funny in like this completely different and Amazing way. Thank you for inspiring me everyday, Amanda.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Now my life is one big make it, or break it.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
DIY... Just another word for Awesome..
Here is a picture of the Frame, lace and spraypaint.
Here I spray painted the frame, I took about 3 coats to fuller cover the gold, If you had a silver frame it would look nice if you let a little silver shine though.
While the frame was drying I streched lace over the back of the frame.
I used staples to secure itI took this headband that I got at the dollar store, I never wear it so I didn't feel guilty for cutting it up. ^_^
All cut up...
Then I took one of the strips, glued it down (and stapled for good measure) then trimmed the ends.
When the Frame was dry I took the White paint and the sea sponge and went over the entire frame, dabbing here and there.
Here is a close up.
After that dried I put it all together and got this
(I did have a bit of an issue witht the cord, when I put the glasses on it sagged. So I stapled the center and then covered it with a clear vintage button and a small teal button )
I hope you enjoyed this DIY!!
Monday, March 28, 2011
A Day to Remember
Monday, March 21, 2011
Guess what? I am not a robot...
She just got a cute new puppy and she wanted me to see it.
I am more then happy to oblige.
Before I went to her house
I headed to Peter Pans Donut shop, they have the best Old Fashioned Crullers, and they are my favorite.
I was feeling snap happy so I took a few pics of the things I saw...
(of course I'm going to subject you to them... Wait, I am no better then those people who force others to oooh and ahh over their vacation or cat photo's? hmmm... )
My Adorable Great Grandmother
After all of that my sister and I took a trip to Jersey to see my aunt and little cousin Isabella, she is the cutest thing ever
So that was pretty much my Sunday... I think it was a good one.
*Side Note* I have yet to get my hair cut and I've been talking about getting one for about a month now... I still need it...
Saturday, March 19, 2011
I don't know if I was awake or asleep when I wrote this
Monday, March 14, 2011
How does your heart beat and why do you breathe...
I have been insanely busy.. I was working, helping my mom plan my dads 50Th bday party and hanging out with friends.
I am so tired.
I feel like I have so much to write about but I don't want this to be a long post so I will break it up into a few post.
First I want to talk about my trip to the Zoo, Central Park Zoo that is.
I had so much fun. They were training a new sea lion named Brusier.
He was so friendly and he came right up to me and started posing for my cam.
I wandered around the zoo and it was totally calming
I saw the penguins and the Polar bears.
After the Zoo I went to meet my aunt in the city for a play.
We watched Priscilla Queen of the Desert, It was totally awesome!
Sooo so funny.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I Wish....
is off of Eisley's new album "The Valley"
The song is "I Wish".
I have been listening to it non stop for the last 3 days.
Its very melodic and soft at first
then it sucks you in with this catchy beat
I have found myself singing it while doing things that don't require my full attention.
I think the first 3 lines in the first verse is kind of reminds me of how I feel at the moment.
"I walked into this life a lover
I just love the lyrics, they paint this beautiful picture in my head of a first love.
Eisley has seemed to capture it in a melody.
Experiencing it for the first time with untainted eyes
completely awkward and unsure of how to act on your feelings...
Here are the rest of the lyrics:
(PS There are no official lyrics so I had to type this up myself, so it may not be completely accurate)
Ooooooh Ahoooo I wish you felt this waaay
Anyway, I think I have gone on about this enough... So next topic.
I have been inspired latey to paint on canvas,
something I normally don't do because I suck when it comes to painting.
That being said, the only way to improve is to practice.
So I have rolled up my sleeves and picked up my paints and canvas
and I am attempting it.
Thus far my attempts look like that of a high school freshman... Kind of sad, but I still like them.
I might post some pics...
I might not... Lets see how I feel at the end of this post.
In my head I want to pick up a brush and bust out a piece like Audrey Kawaskai,
but I know that is improbable.
I'm just going to keep at it.
Hopefully I will see some improvement in the next few months...
Ok, ok here are pics of the paintings..