Friday, January 30, 2009

I've become content with this life that I lead, Where I drink to much and don't believe in much of anything...

Lately I have been crocheting up a storm. I made 2 hats!!

I am sooo proud of myself!

I printed out a pattern online and stayed in my room until I figured it out, which I did.

So now I want to learn how to knit. I will be taking classes in Feb when I get back from Ireland. I can not wait, until then I will be trying my hand at making a Afghan... Why is it called that AFGHAN... What does it even mean Aaaa..Ffff...Ggg..Hhhhh...Aaa...Nnn.

Why not just say blanket. What ever, I have to ge back to my Crocheting.
Look as these super cute T'shirt designs from...

1 comment:

Zhenya said...

lol glad to see that you're staying productive :)