Saturday, March 19, 2011

I don't know if I was awake or asleep when I wrote this

What it is about me that inspires drunken Irish men to talk to me...
and I'm not quite sure whats wrong with me because I talk back to them... lol
It's becoming a pattern.... and I don't know how I feel about it.
I'm watching The Pee-wee Herman show on Broadway on HBO, It made me think of this documentery I watched a while ago, It was about Paul Rubens.
He had a cool childhood... I have to admit I am jealous of it.
Short story, he grew up around circus folk and that inspired him to become an actor.
I would have loved to grow up in that enviorment!
I would probably be a better juggler for it too.
Speaking of which, I was practicing diabolo the other day and I am so out of practice.
but anyway thats all for now...

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