Thursday, March 31, 2011

DIY... Just another word for Awesome..

So for a few weeks now I have been trying to figure out the best way to keep my sunglasses organized and on display.

I finally came up with a solution.

I am super happy with the results!!

So here is a DIY and my Project Restyle. Enjoy!

My supplies:

Plastic Frame

White Lace

Teal Spray paint

White Paint



Sea Sponge



I started with this plastic frame I found at the dollar store. (I was totally hating the gold.)

Here is a picture of the Frame, lace and spraypaint.

Here I spray painted the frame, I took about 3 coats to fuller cover the gold, If you had a silver frame it would look nice if you let a little silver shine though.

While the frame was drying I streched lace over the back of the frame.

I used staples to secure itI took this headband that I got at the dollar store, I never wear it so I didn't feel guilty for cutting it up. ^_^All cut up...

Then I took one of the strips, glued it down (and stapled for good measure) then trimmed the ends.

When the Frame was dry I took the White paint and the sea sponge and went over the entire frame, dabbing here and there.

Here is a close up.

After that dried I put it all together and got this

(I did have a bit of an issue witht the cord, when I put the glasses on it sagged. So I stapled the center and then covered it with a clear vintage button and a small teal button )

I hope you enjoyed this DIY!!

1 comment:

Em said...

LOVE! I want one lol