Monday, July 26, 2010

Life should be that simple...I wish it were just so simple

At a Flea market in Tarrytown NY, I found a old Polaroid Colorack Camera..
that looks alot like the one below.

So I took it for a spin last week while I was in Cape May, NJ, Vacaing with Fam. After some research I found the film for it and I was ready. I really didn't know what to expect at first because I had never used a camera like this.

At first pack of film (which is 10 exp, like most Polaroid film) Well.. it reeally didn't turn out so well... they were out of focus and i didn't hold the shutter down long enough... So yeah. by the Second roll I had gotten the hang of it and I wanted to share some of the pic's I took with it.
So here we go:

Aren't the cool!! Needless to say..... but going to be said anyway... I love this Camera!!!!
I can't wait to get more film so I can take more pic's!!


Unknown said...

awesome pics as sual!!!

Zhenya said...

Of course you'd find something eccentric like this at a flea market :)