Thursday, May 29, 2008

Violin is another word for Awesome!

I'm getting a Violin on sat. I'm soooooo excited! i have always wanted to learn the Violin and now i finally can. Lately i have been getting into doing projects on the weekend, so far i have made a camera case, a tote out of newspaper (not quite finished but pics to come), planted tomato's, and this weekend, along with getting my new violin, i am going to (possibly) be making hula hoops.... i say possibly because i might wait until next weekend. The Internet makes it sooo easy to learn new things, i don't have enough time to do everything!
Oh Goshness. So little time and so much to do....
My little baby cuz Vava was at the house today i went home on my lunch break and she was chilling with grandma sweetie. Its so cute the way my grandma dotes on her.
My friend Alehaha is having a baby soon to0, i think i am going to make it a Mohawk hat or something, i haven't quite decided yet.
It seems like every one around me is either pregnant or has a kid. Tell me is it strange that i have no intention of having kids right now. I don't need one and i know that i am tooo selfish to have one, i am in my prime, why am i going to tie myself down.
I want to break free.. Freddie M. had it right.

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