Monday, July 7, 2008


It is amazing how fear can stop you in your tracks. sometimes it is the most irrational feeling, but you can't help it. I was online a few minutes ago and i was looking up how to do a handstand, on the site they said most people couldn't do handstand because they were afraid of falling. Now lets take a step back, falling isn't so horrible when your standing on the ground, yeah it hurts a bit but its nothing that will damage you for life.
So i ask you: How many times have you let fear stopped you from doing something?
Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to say that i am not afraid of anything because that would be a lie, i am a chicken, but usually after my moment of irrational panic, i step up to the plate and not once have i ever regretted it. Try new things and you learn that you are capable of more then you ever though possible.
I know I am going to make fear less present in my life.
Just go for it.
What have you got to lose....Nothing.

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