Sunday, August 9, 2009

Feeling Some What Inspired....

I'm watching one of my favorite movies right now which is Stardust,
part of me wishes that life was just as magical as in movies like this.
Tonight, My Aunt was induced into labor
I expect my new baby cousin will be here very soon.
I must admit i am very excited, I can't wait to see her grow up
I have been thinking about her and all the things I want to teach her.
Also I will be taking French classes soon I am totally amped about them, I have been wanting to learn French forever!!
Part of me is wondering that because I have so many interest if I have become a Jack of all trades but a Master at none. That makes me kind of sad.
I am doing a little bit of thinking.
(I know take a step back, I don't want to hurt anyone)
But I want to refocus my energy into taking the things that I am mediocre at and make improve those skills. So thats where my head is at.
Oh and I'm working on a beret right now. YAY!
Side note* I am really fed up of certian people.


Anonymous said...

i hope im not one of those certain people.



Zhenya said...

Ganbatte ne~