Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ninja Stars and Lollipops

This week was a really interesting one, being that it was my first week of unemployment, I was expecting to have nothing to do and enjoy lounging around in the house.
This was the farthest from the truth.
My parents have had things for me to do every day, I had to take the dog to get spaded one day then I had to pick her up the next day.
Taking my sister to school, then picking her up again, running errands let and right.
I feel like I have no time to myself...
On a lighter note my friend Nix is home!!
She has been away at school in Ireland, and I am glad she is back.
Last night we went for hibachi together, we caught up and had really good time.
Well the time is coming near for me to share my big news!!


Unknown said...

big news? do share!!

Anonymous said...

i agree with what nikki said.