Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It seems to me that Murphy's law (what can go wrong, will go wrong) has once again ruined my life. i am being slightly melodramatic but I'm entitled. As you know last night i had my final exam, as you may have already didn't go as well as predicted.....i failed by 1 point. one lousy, stinking, dumb point. The passing grade is 70....i got a 69. Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now i don't know what this means for me, i have to call later today and find out whats going on, am i dropped from the class or am i still in it..... who knows!

i did make a promise to myself though, if i get dropped from the class i am going to become a runner. Yeah, i know slightly random but that's how its going down.....

On a brighter note, i have a new project in mind, i was inspired by the website Uncommon goods. a super cool website filled with things that i want and can't afford. lol. but they have this really cool name type thing where they spell your name with pictures of things that u wouldn't normally take a second look at... so i decided that i can do the same thing and just as good! so i have been looking at everything in a whole new perspective, anything has the capability to be letters ahahahahahahahaha! so that's all for now write to ya soon!

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