Friday, March 23, 2012

Parking Anxiety

I'm going crazy in my head right now over the dumbest thing ever....

Someone didn't leave enough space so my car would fit on the street where I usually park. 3 cars can fit there without a problem but this person took up 2 of the spaces.

My car is old and it starts best when it is facing downward instead of upward. So now I'm concerned my car won't start in the morning when I have to head to work, if this person would have just Parked a few feet closer to the car in front of them I would have had space to park my car. Instead I was forced to park my car facing upward.

I wanted so badly to leave a note just saying "hey if you could just leave a little more room in the future I would appreciate it" but I'm scared that I'll come off as a jerk and then they will do it on purpose next time. Is it rude for me to leave a note at all? Ugh I'm stressing over it so badly.... I don't know what to do.....

1 comment:

Zhenya said...

That sucks. Hope your car started properly.