Tuesday, May 10, 2011

And drunkards seem to all agree...

That I havn't been posting like I should be.

These last few weeks have been insane so here are a few things going on...

  1. Make fake mustaches and took pics

  2. I have been working on suff for my etsy shop.

  3. I went to a wedding (and realized that I have been to more funerals then weddings)

  4. My car was in and out of the shop

  5. I locked myself out of my car... yeah I know

  6. Hung out with my great Grandmother.

  7. Had mothers day with my Mom and Aunt.

So later tonight, I am going to post a major post with pictures and more details about my adventures over the past weeks.

1 comment:

Zhenya said...

Number 3 is true for me as well, though I don't really care for weddings.