On this episode we discuss the social gatherings amongst citizen of the same musical genre,
as well as the most recent addition of ceramic masterpieces to Delilah's Gallery.
Warped Tour was Amazing!!
My friend Nix & I went together and I believe I spent over $100, their were some amazing non-profits their that i had to take Part in such as:
2. Peta ( although i love meat..sry animals)
3. 11:11 Am (started with Andrew from Jack's Mannequin)
4. Unite the United
5. Music saves Lives
Don't get me wrong though,
there are people who are led down a misguided path and end up destroying their lives as an outcome.
The people that inspire me most are the ones that see they have a problem and overcome it.
Gerard way from My Chemical romance, Travis from Gym Class Heroes and Max Bemis from Say Anything. They are truly inspiring.
Also i wanted to share with you some ceramics i painted, Forgive the horrible lighting of the photos.
So now For the Pictures!!!
Nix and I are shoe-tastic!
Amazing set by Automatic Love Letter!!