This has to be one of my favorite holidays besides Christmas,
It's the one day a year where everyone is weird and no one judges them for it! lol
I love seeing all the costumes, I like to think that the costume that a person chooses reflects their personality.
this year for Halloween I was an owl, Nix was Cleopatra.

I also hung out with my little cousin Bella... here are some pic's.

Which stands for National Novel Writing Month,
For the past two years I have participated in it and I have yet to finish a book,
I'm hoping that this is my year.
I'm going to have to write at least 12,500 words a week to reach my 50,000 word goal.
In order to do this I'm going to set aside an hour each day of pure writing time.
I'm really excited for this and I have been looking forward to it all month.
So wish me luck everyone!
I'm going to go watch Hocus Pocus (my favorite Halloween movie) to add the cherry on top of my... All Hollows Eve.