Sunday, November 28, 2010

My mind is open wide and now i'm ready to start...

I had a lovely day in the city with my mother today
We started on 12th street
and we walked downtown (of course stopping in shops along the way) to Broome street.
Our mission was simple, we were heading to Topshop to get my christmas present.
I had seen it on the website and fell in love with it.
Let me show you...
Knitted Lace Insert Jumper - Topshop USA

It was really love at first sight, haha I'm getting so romantic over a sweater.
But anyway we found it and we purchased!
I also dragged my mother into Lush, I'm working on converting her. ^_~

Oh, and as we were walking downtown I saw a cupcake cart and I bought us Mini cupcakes.
Only to see my favorite cupcake truck a few blocks later.
Sooo typical.

So after all the shopping and wandering that we did we went into my fave place for a bite to eat...

Then we walked back to the car,
Where I realised we forgot to do something
I had wanted to stop at Union Square Park to check out the Holiday Fair that they have there every year.
Every year I buy a Trinity Knot something for myself.
They have a booth there that sells Celtic jewlery but alas it will have to wait.
I have until Xmas to get one.

Well this got me thinking of some of the things that I want to do....

So here is a short list of things that I want to do before the New year:

1. Go to Holiday Fair
2. Go on one of the Haunted walking tours in NY
link here--->
3. Get back into skating... Slowly of course... I don't need to injure myself.... Again.
4. Go to the Aquarium
5. Celebrate my Birthday/New year with the people I care about.

*Side note* I went on a date last Friday, that was pretty Awesome.... ^_^

Thursday, November 18, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things...

I think the post title says it all
So with no further ado and in no particular order
Here it goes:
I don't know when exactly my love of cupcakes began, but I am currently obsessed with a bakery in Pleasentville called Flour and Sun bakery. Their Red Velvet cupcakes are out of this world!
Trinity Knots
When I was younger my family would rent a house for a week in the Hampton's, on one of our shopping trips, I was with my Grandma Gerry and I fell in love with a pair of earrings.
I begged my grandmother for them incessantly I remember her saying "Your never going to wear them" I replied "I'll wear them everyday" She eventually caved and bought them for me.
I wore those earrings for most of my childhood and I still have them. My collection of trinity knot has grown since then.
My Hairstylist
Mini, she is Awesome, the first time I ever went to her I was Extremely sick. I was running a ridiculous fever and I had set up the appointment in advance because my schedule at that time crazy and I wouldn't have time to do it another day. So I went despite feeling so craptastic. We had to stop several times because I felt like I was going to pass out. Despite all of that she did my hair amazingly well, she is the only person I trust with my hair.
Going to Concerts
I am going to sound like a total hippie but the energy that flows through the crowd at a show is like nothing I have ever experienced. You go through so many emotions : Elation, Sadness, Camaraderie and even Singularity.

Used book stores
I love the smell of all of the old books, digging through the miss matched stacks, finding a book that you read a long time ago, discovering your new favorite book. Being in a used bookstore brings me to a place of utter and complete calm. I love it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

You push me over and I crack...

Say Anything...
I think I can officially say that they are my favorite band.
I have been to so many of their shows that I have lost track.
I was able to record some of their show when I saw them last week, unfortunately the sound is quite craptastic.. I was right under the speakers. but look at how close I was... eep!
So first a message from Max (that sounds good)
*Sigh* aren't they amazing....
ok ok i'm done being a dork... for today at least...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind....

So I have become obsessed with this song and when I saw the video..
It became a problem.... any day now I expect my sister to stab me.
I just think it's such an amazing video, so inspiring, not to mention amazingly done.
Such a great way to translate the song.
I think my favorite segment of the video is when the guy is getting mugged by the three guys and he starts doing magic. Lol It makes me smile every time.
I am incredibly jealous of the lovely Katy Perry. I just think she is so talented and creative.
Well I think I'm going to stop gushing here.... I'm going to go watch this video again.
You should watch it too...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Take Me Out!

Thing's like this make me love the city I live in even more! I love you, New York!

*Side note* I got my tickets last week and forgot to mention it. So Say Anything here I come

*Side side note* I miss you Jesse! and send me the link to your new blog, I can't find it!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

For a minute there I lost myself.... I lost myself....

So I'm kinda depressed lately...
I just don't want to talk to anyone, I feel myself slowly fold into myself.
It's like when something works out, something shitty happens
I got my Say Anything tickets in the mail and
then my car gets a flat at night next to a cemetery.
I find out that My Chemical Romance is going to be in New York in December
(Live Nation contacted me with the presale)
and I was and am pretty excited.
The tickets are like $50, then I get a ticket for running a red light in the mail.
There goes $50...
I know that was my fault but it's just like can't I catch a break.
I just... gahh... I want to dig a hole stick my head in it and pretend I don't exist.
Maybe I'll just do that.
I think I hate myself right now...
I hate where I'm at...
I am self sabotaging....
I feel like crap...
Things are becoming more apparent to me...
and they are hard things to face...
I am trying to make myself happy but failing miserably...
I don't know what to do anymore...
I just want to lay in bed and cry....
I want to cry until my eyes are dry and they hurt.
I feel like a failure at life and I don't know how to make it better..
I'm lost....