Friday, June 13, 2008

De De Dedede de de de dee de (Circus theme song)

I Don't know if you know this but I have been a fan of circus arts for many years now. I taught myself how to juggle and also to use the Diabolo, Secretly I have always wanted to join the circus. I know right now you must be thinking.... " what is wrong with this girl, she is training to become an EMT, she creates art, she is learning the Violin, works full time, what else could she possibly do??" ......Well, I will tell you, I want to become a circus performer. Very recently, on a Google search, I discovered a link to .

Ahhhh... the Big Top....

It is almost like it was meant to be, so I quickly informed some friends and family about my current endeavors and I got the usual: "yeah sure" "that's cool" responses, but then I got one from my friend Anna-banana that went like so " Cool, maybe we can do it together" In my head I had an instant party. I was like Totally Awesome! But before I can start the C.A. classes I want to finish my EMT classes. So I am thinking toward the end of august I should be able to start. I'm soooo Pumped! I'm the mean time I am going to focus on getting into shape. Working out building up my arm strength, losing weight eating right, all that good stuff.
You know what they say: Anything worth having is worth fighting for. (I think that's how it goes...)
Mimes read the news too...

Look at me I'm so meant to be in the circus, this is one of my favest outfits!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Love represents a range of human emotions and experiences related to the senses of affection and sexual attraction. The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes. This diversity of meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states.

I was just sitting at my desk at work, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I realized that despite the turmoil that i have been going through for the last few months, i have all the love i need, I have my awesome friends and great job, and my kick ass Family.

I have never been happier then i have been in the few months, yeah i have been busy and a bit over whelmed at times but I'm still happy.

My hope is to one day find that one person (with the same morals as me)
and start a family of my own,
i know i am a little weird and eccentric but there's a person out there that
loves my: quirks, random-ness, library of useless knowledge,
sense of humor, taste in music, crafty-ness.
Someone who doesn't think I'm weird, just amazing the way i am.
They just get me.
I will be the first person to tell you not to change yourself to make someone else happy,
and I'm no hypocrite.

This is me, Take it or leave it.