I Don't know if you know this but I have been a fan of circus arts for many years now. I taught myself how to juggle and also to use the Diabolo, Secretly I have always wanted to join the circus. I know right now you must be thinking.... " what is wrong with this girl, she is training to become an EMT, she creates art, she is learning the Violin, works full time, what else could she possibly do??" ......Well, I will tell you, I want to become a circus performer. Very recently, on a Google search, I discovered a link to http://www.nycircusarts.com/ .

Ahhhh... the Big Top....
It is almost like it was meant to be, so I quickly informed some friends and family about my current endeavors and I got the usual: "yeah sure" "that's cool" responses, but then I got one from my friend Anna-banana that went like so " Cool, maybe we can do it together" In my head I had an instant party. I was like Totally Awesome! But before I can start the C.A. classes I want to finish my EMT classes. So I am thinking toward the end of august I should be able to start. I'm soooo Pumped! I'm the mean time I am going to focus on getting into shape. Working out building up my arm strength, losing weight eating right, all that good stuff.
You know what they say: Anything worth having is worth fighting for. (I think that's how it goes...)
Mimes read the news too...

Look at me I'm so meant to be in the circus, this is one of my favest outfits!
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