Friday, August 27, 2010

What has this world come to....

Today I found out some really heart breaking news...
The Associated Press Friday, August 27, 2010; 8:58 PM

"LIMA, Peru -- Police in Peru say two Roman Catholic priests have been stabbed to death inside a historic monastery two blocks from the capital's main square.
The victims are identified as Ananias Aguila of Peru and Linan Ruiz of Puerto Rico.
Homicide department chief Miguel Canlla says they were slain before dawn Friday. Police suspect a robbery, but Canlla did not say whether objects of value were missing.
The two clerics ran a soup kitchen for the poor, and Ruiz directed religious youth groups.
They were slain at the San Francisco monastery. It is a popular tourist stop with religious paintings, sculptures and ornamentation dating to the 16th century.
One of these amazing human beings was my great uncle, Linan Ruiz.
He was a good man and although I only met him a few times in my life,
I have very fond memories of him.
He devoted his life to helping people and I have so much respect for that.
He never thought of himself and was willing to go without in order for someone to have something that they need.
This is a tragedy, and I think what bothers me most is the way the news is so cold about it.
He was not just a priest, He was a man of god, he fought for what he believed in, and he had a family that loved him dearly. He will be greatly missed by every member of my family and I'm sure by everyone he has ever helped.

I don't understand why this had to happen to him, I have so many unanswered questions.
Where were the guards that were supposed to be guard the monastery?
What kind person would steal from people who did so much for the community?
My mother told me that they were across from the police department, where were they?
This could have been avoided and it makes me question things like humanity, goodwill and why things like this happen to good people.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Looking to my future.....

So tonight I went to a Psychic to get my palm read.
She started by tell me about my character she said
" You are a genuine and generous and you are very self less person and I see you in a career taking car of people."

Pretty good so far, right.
she continued
" I see that you are going to live a long life, your parents have very high expectations of you"

God does she live in my house!

"You are not a materialistic person and you will be content with a job that allows you to live comfortably."

Sounds about right

she then asked me to make a wish
and I did! (but I won't tell you ^_~)

" I see you thinking about 2 guys lately" I told her one of them
" one of the guys name starts with an A"
(I don't know who that is)
"I see a lot of guys looking at you (one works with cars) but you are guarded, you need to let your guard down."
she then said that she saw me taking classes soon
(I have been planning on going back to school, soon)

"I like the group of friends that you are keeping, they are honest and genuine people"
"This year you are going to figure out the direction that you are meant to go in, no more question marks"
" I see you getting married at 28 and no divorce or separation"
she ended it with
" I see you living a long and happy life"
Kinda Crazy... I think I will go back in a few months and get my tarot cards read ^_^

Friday, August 20, 2010

I guess he's an Xbox, and I'm more like Atari....

Just finished hearing this song and I think it is soo funny!
Instant Love!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Latest Work

Let me know what you guys think, I have better pictures on my flick, the link is in the side bar.
Critique's welcome!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thought I was lost but I was stranded...

Sometimes at night when everyone is asleep but me,
I feel the need to bake something
The whole process is very soothing to me.
Gathering all the ingredients and then mixing it all in a bowl,
it's probably the only time my mind settles down,
I feel like I can breathe normally when I bake or cook.
I was thinking about people, I believe that people are generally good.
That the things and people that they encounter is what shapes them, and how they learn to handle pain and their life is what sets them apart.
Think about it a "Bad Child" is usually a child that is acting out.
They want attention and they will do any means to get it no matter how they hurt themselves or others. They are literally starving attention not unlike a dry sponge.
So why do we think in terms of Good people and bad people?
I mean If someone had just taken that "Bad Child" aside and gave him just a smidgen of attention. Who knows what kind of change that would have made in his life.
Hitler was a artist, he applied 7 times to art school and he got denied every time.
Hitler became...well, Hitler.
What if he would have gotten into art school?
We will never know but there will always be a "What if" factor.
I believe in humanity. I believe in kindness.
but I'm not naive.
I realize that not everyone can be trusted.
and that I think is a shame.
*Side note* Just saw "Eat, Pray, Love. and it was a great movie.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

And our dreams will break the boundaries of our fears

Time, such a little word but it is also big.
We are all bound by it and I don't think a single person can say different.
(unless your a Vampire)
It's amazing how we all feel like time passes so quickly and at moments not at all.
For me right now, it feels like I'm floating in Jello. ^_^
but for someone else it feels like they have been put in the VCR to fast forward
There are even people that want to be re winded.
Me personally I just want to look back on my life and see if I was happy.
If I was then I did something right.
and I realize that you can't be happy all the time.
My mom thinks I'm sitting in a daze with dreams that are ridiculous, and to a point she's right.
But I am all too aware of the fact that
I have started to grow roots in the spot that I am standing in.
lol if I raise my arms I resemble a tree.
People tend to put such a emphasis's on time when they should really be putting emphasis's on Their quality of life, healthy relationships with the people in their life,
living life to the fullest and making sure they squeeze every drop of Fun/Sadness/Excitement/Sorrow/Happiness out of it.
Yeah I know you're thinking "how did Sorrow and Sadness sneak in there?"
It's important to feel those to,
I don't cry a whole lot, but when I do I cry as if I have have to get every drop of water out of me. lol.
So right now I am enjoying my Jello-y prison and I know that if a few weeks time I'm going to have to grab an spoon and dig myself out. ^_^
So What it all boils down to STOP!! worrying about the Future and more about the Now.
No one can tell you whats going to happen in the future and life likes to throw you curve balls.
So enjoy the present.
What's that saying.... The past is history, the future's mystery, the present is a gift....
So go ahead and unwrap it already!!
*Side note* Yes, I wrote this for you. ^_~