Today I found out some really heart breaking news...
The Associated Press Friday, August 27, 2010; 8:58 PM
"LIMA, Peru -- Police in Peru say two Roman Catholic priests have been stabbed to death inside a historic monastery two blocks from the capital's main square.
The victims are identified as Ananias Aguila of Peru and Linan Ruiz of Puerto Rico.
Homicide department chief Miguel Canlla says they were slain before dawn Friday. Police suspect a robbery, but Canlla did not say whether objects of value were missing.
The two clerics ran a soup kitchen for the poor, and Ruiz directed religious youth groups.
They were slain at the San Francisco monastery. It is a popular tourist stop with religious paintings, sculptures and ornamentation dating to the 16th century."
One of these amazing human beings was my great uncle, Linan Ruiz.
He was a good man and although I only met him a few times in my life,
I have very fond memories of him.
He devoted his life to helping people and I have so much respect for that.
He never thought of himself and was willing to go without in order for someone to have something that they need.
This is a tragedy, and I think what bothers me most is the way the news is so cold about it.
He was not just a priest, He was a man of god, he fought for what he believed in, and he had a family that loved him dearly. He will be greatly missed by every member of my family and I'm sure by everyone he has ever helped.
I don't understand why this had to happen to him, I have so many unanswered questions.
Where were the guards that were supposed to be guard the monastery?
What kind person would steal from people who did so much for the community?
My mother told me that they were across from the police department, where were they?
This could have been avoided and it makes me question things like humanity, goodwill and why things like this happen to good people.