The title of this post is from my most recent fave song,
the song is called "Missing" by Flyleaf.
The song is AmAzing!
I found this on Flyleaf's page, this is what they had to say about this song:
"Missing" is another song that shows how important love and life are. The hook is massive, but there's more to it. Lacey continues, "The bridge says "Down here love wasn't meant to be for me, all is vanity underneath the sun." The phrase makes you ask 'What would the world be like if we took love out of it?' Love is painful. It requires work. It's selfless. Even though it's difficult, if you take that out of the earth you're going to end up with nothing. C.S. Lewis said, 'The only place in all of the world where you can escape the dangers of love is hell.'"
So inspiring, they are actually a Christian rock band and a lot of their songs are about God.
People that know me know that I am not a very religious person, that's not to say I don't have my beliefs, but for some reason Flyleaf's music just speaks to me, even the religious ones.
"All around me" was one of my fave songs for a while, every time I listened to it something felt like it was knocking down walls inside of me trying to get out,
I feel happy and jovial after I hear it. I know it sounds weird but whatever.
I can go on and on about them, but you should really check them out for yourself.
*Side Note* I seemed to have forgotten that there is such a thing called Youtube, so here is the Video for Missing
I listened to both "Missing" and "All Around Me", I like the latter a bit more. I find it "difficult" sometimes for me to connect to these... quasi/semi/demi/hemi-Christian bands, I find that they get so involved and lost in their metaphors and end up not getting across their messages, which is why I prefer explicitly contemporary Christian bands when it comes to music of "faith". This band is alright though, I think they've got potential, though I'm not too crazy about the lead singer's voice. I love how you're always reviewing music on your blog though, gives me a lot more to listen to! ;)
I actually saw them live back in February and as I told you before, they had some inspirational words at the end of their performance. Good band, but not a fav. Nice review though :)
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