Friday, April 24, 2009

OMG! Oh wait, I thought that was a ghost....

Let's see...
I'm at point in my life that everyone gets to.
It's that slow realisation that it's crunch time, Time is running out to decide what want to do when I grow up because guess what.... I am grown up.
People my age are just starting to start the chosen careers, and here I am being a total slacker.
So I think I going to start getting serious and start getting into my EMT work.
It's scary and exciting at the same time.
I feel like I need to brush up on all my skills.
So I'm going to start studying and practicing my skills.
Ok so moving on from that.... I totally got a hula hoop!
I went to Dube a week ago and got a Mini Diabolo and a hula hoop. It breaks down into 4 Peices so its super portable and the weather is getting really nice....In fact if I really wanted to I can go to the park and hula hoop. ^_^
Speaking of Diabolos...
One of my friends, one that will not be named (but her nickname sounds like danana) still has one of my Diabolos!!!
I would like it back one day missy...... hmm... hmmm.....
Well Ok I think thats really all I have to say right now..... Later!
Side note* My Grandfather's death day was yesterday, I love you Grandpa!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Lovely Neighbors... ^_^

So yesterday I was walking to my car to go to work.
I hop into my car and when I tried to start the engine all I heard was a ticking noise.
I was like Shit!!!
My battery was dead and there was no one home to jump my car for me.
So I ran next door to my neighbors house and asked if they could give me a jump.
They were very nice and gave me a jump.
So to thank them I am going to make them cupcakes.
Not just regular cupcakes.......
Confetti Cupcakes!!!
So that's what I'm going to go work on right now! YAY!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Delilah in P.R?

I started thinking about moving to Puerto Rico about a year ago.

I kind of put it on the back burner though.

But lately I have been thinking about it a little more and more.

What if I just picked up and moved there? I think I would really like it. It would give me the chance to learn Spanish and get to know the family that I have there...
Now here's the problem...
I can't speak Spanish, I can understand it for the most part if it is spoken to me and I can speak a little but in m head I can not form a reply and then from the sheer exhaustion of trying to figure out how to say what I want or mean, I end up losing all focus and giving up.
It is so frustrating!
Then I started thinking what if I went to school there, so then I started researching the schools in P.R and surprise, surprise it is all taught in Spanish. That's like a guaranteed fail.
I'm still thinking about moving down there but for now have no cemented plans on it. It's just something I want to do.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


That's how I am feeling right now.
For the most part I am a pretty happy person...but that's not how I feel right now.
I can't really describe it.
I have felt like this before and I don't like it.
It's almost as if I have this weight (literally) on my chest. I think my depression has manifested itself into existence. Not much to do about it but ride it out. i was hoping that by expressing myself a little it would go away.....
but alas it is still here....woe is me.

Friday, April 3, 2009

A short list of things I love/ T.G.I.F

In random order...
1. Reading
2. Tea with scones
3. Dancing movies
4. Plants
5. My Friends
6. Rain
7. Music
8. Inventions that make my life easier.
9. Hibachi
10. Traveling
11. Rainbows
I'm in a list making mood today.
Today it is raining so I put on my boots and jumped in some puddles, I also made some Crocheted curtian ties. I then got dressed and picked up my sister 10 minuted late.
Oh I almost forgot I bought some potting soil and a new plant that I am going to pot a little later.
It is really a random day for me......
and its not even over yet....