I'm going to get deep here....
Lately I have been putting a lot of things into perspective. I have been slacking off with my career(EMS) I think I am afraid that I'm not good enough. I will be putting someones life in my hands, What if I make a mistake, a mistake that could potentially end someone Else's life, could I handle that responsibility?.... I guess it is normal to have these kinds of fears, at least i hope it is.
I am tired of being hurt, I know I wasn't meant to be someones doormat. It's like I have string attached to my heart, every time I begin to really like someone a new string gets attached, when they disappoint me the string gets tugged and depending on the hurt I get a sharp pain, a tear in the muscle , a rip or a chunk pulled out of my heart. My heart must look like road kill, part of that is my fault, I am too forgiving, too accepting of peoples flaws, too easy to hurt.
The people that surround me are either popping out children, in committed relationships, in college, or starting their career. And here I am a single 22 year old with too many dreams to fit into one lifetime, an artist that does nothing with her talent, I know who I am but I have a fear of not being accepted, for to many years I was told I was strange or weird, but I love those strange a weird quirks about myself, that makes me who I am.
Lately I have been putting a lot of things into perspective. I have been slacking off with my career(EMS) I think I am afraid that I'm not good enough. I will be putting someones life in my hands, What if I make a mistake, a mistake that could potentially end someone Else's life, could I handle that responsibility?.... I guess it is normal to have these kinds of fears, at least i hope it is.
I am tired of being hurt, I know I wasn't meant to be someones doormat. It's like I have string attached to my heart, every time I begin to really like someone a new string gets attached, when they disappoint me the string gets tugged and depending on the hurt I get a sharp pain, a tear in the muscle , a rip or a chunk pulled out of my heart. My heart must look like road kill, part of that is my fault, I am too forgiving, too accepting of peoples flaws, too easy to hurt.
The people that surround me are either popping out children, in committed relationships, in college, or starting their career. And here I am a single 22 year old with too many dreams to fit into one lifetime, an artist that does nothing with her talent, I know who I am but I have a fear of not being accepted, for to many years I was told I was strange or weird, but I love those strange a weird quirks about myself, that makes me who I am.

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