Thursday, May 29, 2008

Violin is another word for Awesome!

I'm getting a Violin on sat. I'm soooooo excited! i have always wanted to learn the Violin and now i finally can. Lately i have been getting into doing projects on the weekend, so far i have made a camera case, a tote out of newspaper (not quite finished but pics to come), planted tomato's, and this weekend, along with getting my new violin, i am going to (possibly) be making hula hoops.... i say possibly because i might wait until next weekend. The Internet makes it sooo easy to learn new things, i don't have enough time to do everything!
Oh Goshness. So little time and so much to do....
My little baby cuz Vava was at the house today i went home on my lunch break and she was chilling with grandma sweetie. Its so cute the way my grandma dotes on her.
My friend Alehaha is having a baby soon to0, i think i am going to make it a Mohawk hat or something, i haven't quite decided yet.
It seems like every one around me is either pregnant or has a kid. Tell me is it strange that i have no intention of having kids right now. I don't need one and i know that i am tooo selfish to have one, i am in my prime, why am i going to tie myself down.
I want to break free.. Freddie M. had it right.

Monday, May 26, 2008


So i am finally going to upload some pics of what i have been up 2...Enjoy!!!
My Lovely New Camera Case!!

My sis eating the Cupcakes Made....u still owe me....

These are the only pics i feel like posting right now....i do a more solid updatre later!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

and you were saying.....

I have been swept up in a whirlwind... life has been coming at me from every angle and without mercy. I resumed my EMT Classes and as of lately i have been crazed at work, people have missed appointments then i get yelled at, I'm running from here to there and then back again....sigh...but secretly i enjoy being busy.
Last Saturday me and my family had a garage sale and it was the perfect excuse to bake cupcakes. i have been dying to try this new recipe from Hershey.
The Cupcakes came out yum-tastic, i made Vanilla and Chocolate, my sister kept helping herself to them(BTW, You owe me $3). lol
My friends Nikki and Sharon are home so we plan on getting into trouble together, and me and Nix are going to Shares Gaelic football game tonight so that should be fun.

Monday, May 12, 2008

I ask myself...

When do u stop caring, when do u care to much....this is what i have been pondering this weekend. I had a nice dinner with my mom, dad, and grandma on Saturday, and we struck up an interesting conversation about recent events going on and it made me think. When do u take that step back and realize your being used, I took my step a long time ago because i saw with clear eyes, i feel bad for my grandma and my mom who were jaded. To want someone there only when its convenient for you is wrong. If u want someone in your life it should be for good and for bad. I guess that how some people are don't realize that your hurting others who have been there for u...when have u ever been there for them...

Also this weekend i was off being super crafty. I made a camera case based off of a picture i saw online, ill post a pic. It came out way better then i expected it to. It's made from Aqua and brown felt that i felted together, and some buttons and fabric! I shocked myself ( I feel so awesome)
I also went to the movies with my friend Jesse, we saw Speed Racer, the movie wasn't great but the racing scenes were kinda cool.... i wish i could drive like that.....Sigh...

Question: When do u stop caring?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The day my heart broke in 4

Yesterday night I came find my rabbit (velveteen) laying on the floor dead, i went to say hey Vel, and i got no response, at first i thought he was sleeping, so i got on my hands a knees to say hello and i said "hey baby" and put my finger through the cage to pet his head but he didn't move, his normal response is to hop up and come to the cage door so i can pet him. I thought it was weird that he didn't hop us so i opened the cage door and touched him and he was stiff. I died on the inside.....I think i feel worse about not being here for him, I don't understand why he died, I miss him terribly, I want him back......

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Diana+ Say what?!??

I got my new Diana+ camera in the mail yesterday!!! I ADORE it!!! I originally wanted a Holga but i am so glad i picked this one!
Isn't she prettiful!! *Sigh*.
I have been going photo happy since last night. i think my moms looking into for rehab for
There is something amazing about having to work for your pictures, and not knowing the outcome. The suspense of waiting for them to develop....I tried to get to this photography store on my lunch break but i ended up getting lost and had to turn around so i wouldn't be late getting back to work...
I have to head there again after work and pick up the BW film that they are holding for me but before i do that i have to swing by my sisters baseball game (Show her some support)(That's how i roll), I also want to buy a tripod and a shutter release. I have too much planned and not enough time to do anything. Woe is me....OK well not really i eventually get it all day...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Photo Update

Here are some pictures that i want to share with u! i don't know if i mentioned that i was growing tomato's, well i am. i am so proud of them especially frank.


My other babies....

And here are some samples of my mad embroidery skills!
That's all for now folks!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

La La La...

My: Name in pictures project, that i have mentioned before, has been put on hold because it is a lot harder then i thought so far i only have an "D" "I" and an "A" i still need a buncha letters.... so in the mean time i have started a new adventure.....Embroidery!!!! I went to the store and bought all the goodies i think i will need to start my big project....drum roll please...........embroidering.......Alphonse Mucha's..... "Reverie".

I went to FedEx Kinko's yesterday and got the picture above enlarged to 18x24, thanks to the super helpful lady there named Carmen...i think that was her name.... Anyways... so i have been outlining the picture in pencil first and this morning i started outlining in marker, after sitting there outlining it i keep telling myself: "what have you gotten your self into!".
I already know that i am going to have issues with the flowers behind her and some of the itty bitty details but if i take my time and be very careful it has the capability to come out amazing! i am really excited about this because i am fan of Alphonse Mucha's work. I believe him to be one of the most amazing and detailed artist that ever lived!
Sigh....he's the bee's knee's! (i never really got this phrase but it sounds cool)
I was Dropped from the class, but all is well i have decided to jump right back in! it sucks that i have to start again but its ok, this way i will get even better.

All in all my hands are itching to start my new project... hopefully i finish this one... No i will finish it!!