Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It seems to me that Murphy's law (what can go wrong, will go wrong) has once again ruined my life. i am being slightly melodramatic but I'm entitled. As you know last night i had my final exam, as you may have already didn't go as well as predicted.....i failed by 1 point. one lousy, stinking, dumb point. The passing grade is 70....i got a 69. Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now i don't know what this means for me, i have to call later today and find out whats going on, am i dropped from the class or am i still in it..... who knows!

i did make a promise to myself though, if i get dropped from the class i am going to become a runner. Yeah, i know slightly random but that's how its going down.....

On a brighter note, i have a new project in mind, i was inspired by the website Uncommon goods. a super cool website filled with things that i want and can't afford. lol. but they have this really cool name type thing where they spell your name with pictures of things that u wouldn't normally take a second look at... so i decided that i can do the same thing and just as good! so i have been looking at everything in a whole new perspective, anything has the capability to be letters ahahahahahahahaha! so that's all for now write to ya soon!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sorry dudes, my bad!

Hey so I'm sorry i haven't been blogging on the reg, i have been crazzzzy busy, between my sisters confirmation, studying and even a date (more on that later), i feel like i have no time to myself. i have had a lot to think about within the last few weeks, my EMT classes are almost over and i have a huge test tonight, i know my mom wants me to jump right into becoming an EMT but i find myself taking an step back and saying to myself, "whoa, do you want to do this right now." and then i realize....i really like the job i have right now, yeah OK sure its not the most glamorous job ever but the pays great and i like all the people i work with! I'm Happy. i have a lot of things i want to accomplish within the current year:

1. Finish getting EMT certified.
2. Save up to go to Europe for 3 weeks in October
3. Move out of my parents house and get my own place.
4. Possibly take a college course over the summer.
5. Find some one that appreciates me and can deal with my Independence and pride.

These things are almost all within my grip except for #5. that is an impossibility

One of my life long goals has always been to own this old abandoned police station in Brooklyn...a dream i know may never come true but i still have hope. the building is amazing and i find it to be beautiful! i used to live a block away from it as a kid it has sooo much potential but it seems no one wants to be bothered. i know this sounds a little weird but i feel like me and this building are ment to be, i sound crazy.... lol ok i think i have left you with enough weirdness for today, wish me luck on my test and i will write for you soon!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Random moment!

I was in the city Tuesday night, i was driving to my EMT class and i decided i wanted to take pics of the city as i drove. so here they are:

A Major in complaining with a Minor in venting

There is this woman in my EMT Class and she is sooooooo f#$!ing annoying!!!!

She is nosey, crude, rude, self centered, prying, ugh u name it she's it. She insist upon talking to me when it is clear that i don't want to be bothered. She is what i consider to be super ghetto and she tells everyone her life story like they care, Its like i don't care about the bad choices you made in your life. Oh, your babies daddy is off in Cuba some where, well he got going when the going was good! Come on, if that was me i would have gone 2. Ugh!

Now that doesn't mean that i condone fathers abandoning their children, i mean you took part in making the child you should own up and be a responsible parent, but in the case of this girl you would understand.

This is a prime example of when she talks to you:

"Yeah, i was in the army and I'm a mom and a dad, i have a 4yr old that i named Brandon because of that show 90210" "Oh, OK I just asked if i can use your pen to sign in..."

So just rambles and rambles and is sooo conceited. shes the type of person that tell will you " i think i need to lose some weight" because she wants you to tell her, "Why? you look great" when in reality she doesn't. i don't want to sound mean but as you can see that is unavoidable.

Then she sits their and does this, let me set the scene:

I am sitting down filling out some paper work, and she is trying to get back to her seat. i stand up to let her pass and she says "How did you do on the test?" to which i reply" Well, i wish i would have done better"

Now at that point a normal person would have been like oh ok.... but not her...

"so what did you get?". i stared at her for a moment and replied "Well i didn't do as well as i had expected to do" "Yeah i know but what did you get?" " i got a 75!" " oh ok..."

I mean it was so obvious that i didn't feel like sharing, but she was soo f*$#ing persistent, i just wanted her to get out of my face. The nerve of some people. So yeah i hope she falls into a pit of zombies. and for now that is all i have to update. talk to ya soon!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

SoOo i know i have been keeping all of you in major suspense for the painting i have been working here it is!, its not quite finished! let me know what you think!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

BiZZy Week!

to all who have been like..."where is Delilah?" (which is really no one) i have been a very busy girl this week. We have been swamped at work.... i mean instead of like 1 call a day we now get 3 its
unbelievable! lol just kidding but really i have been busy with work and with my classes, i also have been working on a mask so far i have painted it all black it still need a few coats of paint, after that i plan on encrusting it with rhinestones or something. i haven't really decided yet. so yeah the painting is coming along nicely. Its totally not something that i would expect me to paint. but yeah pictures to come soon.