Sunday, January 2, 2011

dum spiro spero (while I breathe, I hope)

Do you ever feel already buried deep
Six feet under scream
But no one seems to hear a thing
I feel like that... I feel restless
I am getting this nagging feeling that I usually get before I quit a job...
I am trying to figure out what I really want...
I'm going to try and work up the nerve and talk to my boss tomorrow.
Hopefully it goes over well...
I feel bad for leaving my boss but at some point
you have to do what your heart is telling and you.
And right now my heart is screaming at the top of it's lungs.
I have to do what is best for me and I think what is best for me is to move on.
I want to go back to school get a new job and kinda start fresh.
I suppose every one's kinda feeling that way right now though.
New year and all.
I just don't want to look back and think "Why did I waste my time with that?"
I am really excited for the changes I feel that are headings in my direction.
*Fingers crossed*
I know in my heart that this is the right choice for me..


Zhenya said...

I trust you'll make the right choices for yourself, so just go for it!

Unknown said...

love the latin!! and you know you'll made good decisions, just trust your gut!