Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Jack of all Trades, Master at none

Today, lots of thoughts have been running through my head, too many…
Sometimes I think it’s better to be simple-minded at least that way you won’t know that you’re throwing your life away.
I guess that is what I have been feeling lately, I know no one can make me happy but me, it’s not as easy as it seems.
Time is holding me captive like it does everyone else.
Is my only choice to make the best of it or do I have the option to fight it kicking and screaming? It passes so quickly, I take a breath and a week has passed, I move my hand to my face and there goes a year.
I picked up my computer and had all intentions of writing about music and the amazing effect it has upon ones soul, but it seems my mind had other things planned.
Let me try and steer you away from my depression introspective.
I find myself listening to Death Cab for Cutie more, my favorite song right now has to be "Passenger seat".
It’s slow and melodic but it captures my heart in a way that cannot be explained. Although I find the one song that encompasses how I feel is "the sound of Settling". It’s short but upbeat, you find yourself singing along with it.
Despite the upbeat tempo I feel like the song is attempting to give the listener a wakeup call by telling them that at one point the singer may have felt himself settling when he knew he could do so much more.
The line I love most is "My brains repeating, if you’ve got an impulse let it out."
It’s strange how writing this out makes the weight on my chest lighter. I think that is all I have to say for now. Sorry this was such a depressing post I’ll try to make the next post upbeat. ^_^
Here are some pictures that are lifting my spirits at the moment
the following found at

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mama Mia.. Here we go again!

So I took a little trip to Pawling NY the other day for work.
It was an hour and a half drive there and I have to say that it was so beautiful over there.
The leaves were changing and it just happened to be a wonderful day!
I took some pics with my cell phone (I will share soon).
I wanted to head to the city last Monday to take a juggling class but I didn't get a chance because of work.
Oh well but as of late I have started to make weekly trips to the Ice Skating Rink.
I really enjoy it, I would like to go with friend but some of them have phobias and are away...
These friends shall not be named....they know who they are.
Lol I love you guys anyway!
I find that I am becoming more and more confidant on the Ice, Mind you, I am in no way going to start flipping and swirling on the ice but I feel like I have come a really long way.
For my 14Th Birthday I had an Ice Skating Party
(What else is there to do when your birthday is in the middle of winter)
It was time to go home and we were getting ready to go home,
When I got off the ice I slipped and fell and my skate turned my ankle in a very unnatural position following that there was a loud crack.
My Father insisting that I was fine said to walk on it.
Ha ha no way, Turns out that it was broken.
After that I swore off skating for a really long time.
That was until I went to Paris, it was winter and near Notre Dame they set up a outdoor rink.
After much convincing with things like "How many people can say they have been Skating in Paris" and "This is a once in a lifetime chance" I agreed and it was great.
~End Flashback~
Ah Memories, lol their not always pleasant but those are the things that make you, you...
OK I think I'm done with the whole memory lane thing or should I say memory lame... Badumpum.. ha ha bad joke..
I really hope you have stopped reading by now... Well anyway Later!
*Side note* I wish we had more Roller rinks in NY...Bummer
*Side notes Side note* My favorite Abba song has to be Super Trooper.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point

Watching TCM right now they are playing Harold Lloyd's world of comedy, he has to be my favorite silent movie stars.
Anyway I had to comment on what happened to autumn, It is my favorite season out of the whole year and it totally just passed as far as I am concerned its Winter. I have to wear scarves and gloves when I go outside... It's so cold...
But the cold also means that all my favorite Holidays are coming around! yay.
Since there seems to be a reoccurring theme here is a list of my......
10 Favorite things about Fall
1. Hot Coco
2. Color of the leaves changing
3. Warm Mugs in cold hands
4. Chill in the air
5. Apple Cinnamon Sugar Doughnuts
6. The crunch of leaves beneath Converses
7. Halloween
8. A Warm bed next to a Cold floor
9. Scarves, Ear Muffs and Gloves
10. Nutella Crepes
*Side Note* the Title of this post is french for
"The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of"

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dig North Young Jim

Those were the words I saw spray painted on a metal beam in the tunnel of Grand Central Station.
I went to juggling class finally this Monday (I'm trying to learn Poi spinning)
It was a great class my arms were sore afterward, but it was a good pain. My parents were away this week so it has been my sister, the dog and I.
I think a pretty good week all in all. I went to Max Brenner's : Chocolate by the bald man, this week with Jess.
We had The Brenner Burger and it came with these fries that were seasoned with a coco chili powder.
We shared because we wanted to make sure we had room for dessert
and for dessert we had the munchie waffles.
Omg sooo Good!
After all of that surprised that I was still able to move we took a walk to the strand book store and I got a French dictionary and then we walked to Barnes and Nobles so Jess could get a book he wanted.
I had a lot of fun, but it was bitter sweet, Jess is going to be away for 6 months. So although bummed I am really happy for him!
Hes is going to have a great time and will be missed Insanely!
Have a Great Trip Jess!!!

*Side Note* I recently saw Whip It! and it was AWESome!!