Today, lots of thoughts have been running through my head, too many…
Sometimes I think it’s better to be simple-minded at least that way you won’t know that you’re throwing your life away.
I guess that is what I have been feeling lately, I know no one can make me happy but me, it’s not as easy as it seems.
Time is holding me captive like it does everyone else.
Is my only choice to make the best of it or do I have the option to fight it kicking and screaming? It passes so quickly, I take a breath and a week has passed, I move my hand to my face and there goes a year.
I picked up my computer and had all intentions of writing about music and the amazing effect it has upon ones soul, but it seems my mind had other things planned.
Let me try and steer you away from my depression introspective.
I find myself listening to Death Cab for Cutie more, my favorite song right now has to be "Passenger seat".
It’s slow and melodic but it captures my heart in a way that cannot be explained. Although I find the one song that encompasses how I feel is "the sound of Settling". It’s short but upbeat, you find yourself singing along with it.
Despite the upbeat tempo I feel like the song is attempting to give the listener a wakeup call by telling them that at one point the singer may have felt himself settling when he knew he could do so much more.
The line I love most is "My brains repeating, if you’ve got an impulse let it out."
It’s strange how writing this out makes the weight on my chest lighter. I think that is all I have to say for now. Sorry this was such a depressing post I’ll try to make the next post upbeat. ^_^
Here are some pictures that are lifting my spirits at the moment