Juglito Ergo Sum means I juggle therefore I am.
It is the catch phrase for The Flying Karamazov Brothers.
I happen to absolutly love this phrase!!
So I decided to embroider a sweater that I just got with this phrase, but I couldn't stop there, nooo that would have been to easy. Well I will let my work speak for its self.

So this is my new project...I am Sooooo Excited.
This is going to be on the back of the sweater which is white...
The only thing that is probably going to be different is that I plan on including the strings that connect the Diabolo sticks. I've drawn that onto a printed copy of the design.
I would like to get some opinions. so feel free to comment on the image, What do you like about it?/What would you change?
Oh behalf of the Flying Karamazov Brothers, we're on to you and suing you for every penny you got ;-)
Kidding, of course, cool design. You should post pictures of it when it's done.
wo.woah!! im a second comment(or).
hehe..i have no input bout the strings...n hour glass much?? hehe.
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