Tuesday, September 16, 2008

You were saying....? /Note 2 a Friend

Amongst my random thoughts, I realized that i havent uploaded pics on here for a while, also i have some updates!

I resumed my embroidery on the alfonse mucha piece.
(I stopped for a while cause i'm a slacker)

I totally love my Circus class, I suck more then I thought I did at juggling. lol

I discovered a smothie place that I am now addicted to.

I decided I want to include more plant life into my bedroom.

I broke one of the nose pad things on my glasses, so i have been walking around with crooked glasses. Just lovely.

So this is what i have been up to, I should start packing for my trip to europe I leave on the 5th of October. Im soooo Stoked!! But I have no clue what I will be packing.....

Oh Banana,
I miss ya 2 ya bum!
I think we need a movie night this weekend.. What's coming out?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Last night was kind of strange.

I was in my room and I was watching the television, out of the corner of my eye I see my curtains moving in a breeze, I became restless and wanted to be outside, I can't completely explain it, it was almost like the night was calling me.

I looked at my cable box to see the time and it was 11:46pm. I told my mom I was going out for a bit and left the house, I walked outside and the night seemed still and slightly muggy, no hint of the breeze that lost itself in my room.

After a moment of silent appreciation for the night I began walking down the stairs of my stoop to my car as I got closer to my car I looked up into the sky to see what seemed to be an almost full moon, I hadn't seen it before because it was hidden behind some trees, but it's beauty was haunting. The clouds cast over it slightly giving it a slightly blurry and shimmery appearance but you could see it clearly. I almost didn't want to move but I did. I decided to go and visit my friend Jesse at work,

We talked and hung out for a little while and we parted for the night. I looked at my cell phone when I got outside and it was 12:20 AM, I went and got gas for my car and then I went home, all the time thinking of how beautiful the night was.

I drove home and parked my car, As I walked to my front door I stopped turned and face the moon and spoke out loud "Thank you for sharing you beauty with me". I opened the door with my keys and trying not to make a lot of noise, I let my mother know that I was back home. I put down my purse and took of my jacket, and walked to the kitchen, I made myself a glass of chocolate milk and went to bed.

The whole night seemed so magical, like anything could happen, I love nights like that. The moon called and I answered. Right now I am in sort of a fuzzy mood, like I don't have a care in the world.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ok Ok.... I have been slacking...

I have been kinda busy as of late
because as you know when I have a spare moment
I have to fill it with something, that's just the way I work!

I am resuming my Violin lessons again this time with a new teacher
(one that is closer to where I live)
His name is Paul, He's super nice and he knows his stuff.
That reminds me I have to practice tonight...

I am super excited about my Circus class tomorrow night,
I decided to take a juggling and manipulation course,
I already know how to juggle but I would like to get better and learn a few more tricks.

My friend Nix is leaving for Ireland in a few weeks, she is going to be studying abroad.
I must admit I am slightly jealous, but at the same time
Im leaving in a few weeks myself for Europe, my aunt and I are taking a 3 week trip.
I can't wait, almost a month of no work.... Is there anything better??
I need a break, i have been running on overdrive since feb.
Well I think i have rambled enough for today....

BTW: I think i have a nerve condition, my eye keeps twitching...
I don't think thats normal.