Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dear people of the Customer service industry,

I understand that everyday people are rude to you but that doesn't mean that you have to take the same approach in your work.
I did nothing to warrant your bad attitude and I am simply trying to get in and out of your store as quickly as possible.
When I approach you, you could Oh, I don't know try a smile or a friendly gesture instead of the look of annoyance that you so graciously put on your face.
This is after all your job, you signed up for this, no one is forcing you to work with people.
You could work in a morgue, become a lion tamer and even a pilot but you chose this.
So when I ask you if you know where something is, don't let out a huge sigh,
throw down whatever you were doing and walk away from me with out a single
"I'll be right back"
"Let me check, I just started here"
"I'm not quite sure"
because guess what... This is your job.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011


This weekend my phone was invaded.... with phone calls from my boss. He was calling me incessantly. I have a policy...
I don't answer work calls on the weekends. That's my personal time. My boss has developed an very unhealthy attachment to me
and it would be a disservice,
not only me but to him as well, if I answered all the time.
He has called me to ask me how to back up his vacation pictures onto his computer and I'm just like that's not my job. So I come to work today to discover the reason behind his incessant calling. His daughter had a school project and he wanted me to type it up...
Wait... What? Really... Are you serious?

I'm just over this job, Ugh, I feel like I'm painting my boss in a bad light.
He's a really nice guy which is why I don't mind going out of my way for him
but at some point I have to draw a line and I am totally at that point...
I've been looking for a new job but at this point in time nothing has come up.
Hopefully something will pop up and I can escape what is becoming my hell...
I know when I start to feel this way,
it's time to find something else and fast.

In other news...
Nanowrimo is coming along, not as well as I had hopes for but I will keep at it.