Monday, July 26, 2010

Life should be that simple...I wish it were just so simple

At a Flea market in Tarrytown NY, I found a old Polaroid Colorack Camera..
that looks alot like the one below.

So I took it for a spin last week while I was in Cape May, NJ, Vacaing with Fam. After some research I found the film for it and I was ready. I really didn't know what to expect at first because I had never used a camera like this.

At first pack of film (which is 10 exp, like most Polaroid film) Well.. it reeally didn't turn out so well... they were out of focus and i didn't hold the shutter down long enough... So yeah. by the Second roll I had gotten the hang of it and I wanted to share some of the pic's I took with it.
So here we go:

Aren't the cool!! Needless to say..... but going to be said anyway... I love this Camera!!!!
I can't wait to get more film so I can take more pic's!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

You can judge all the world on the sparkle that you think it lacks

Ok so I lost my head for a while but I am totally cool.
My knee is like 10x better!
Yay for healing!
So I am watching this crazy show on Animal Planet called Monster inside of me.
What genius decided to create this show, it's all about parasites that people have contracted.
It skeeves me out and give me the Hebe jibes
(Did I spell that right, maybe someone from the 1950's can tell me!)
So yeah I have been working on a lot of paintings (pic's to come soon)
This is really just a quick update on what has been going on, and it seems that I haven't really said much of anything.
Oh I will be going away this weekend I am heading out to Cape May, New Jersey.
Ewww...Jersey.... Lol
Ok Bye...
*Side note* I need more bottle caps....

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

We are just breakable, breakable, breakable girls...

I'm really upset right now, I'm just thinking about my knee and googling everything I can possibly find on ACL injury's. I know I am being obsessive, but I just want to get better.
I'm worried that my knee will never be the same.
All the things I read online are putting into my head that my ACL is torn and If its torn bad enough I could need surgery. I am so over this shit.
I don't want to have surgery nor can I afford it. I am in this horrible place mentally. All I do is think about my knee.
I went to the emergency room in South Dakota, and this is probably the New Yorker in me, but I feel like the doctor kind of dismissed me to quickly.
So I feel like he didn't carefully look over the xrays.
He said it was just a bad sprain.
He wanted me to walk on it right away and I was in such pain that I really wasn't capable.
He gave me a ace bandage and a boot out of the hospital.
Granted my knee does feel a lot better then when I was in SD,
but what if it's healing wrong or It really is torn.
I still can't fully extend my leg and that worries the shit out of me.
But I have no Insurance , so how am I supposed to know how it's progressing.
If you know me then you know my mind runs a thousand miles a minute.
So imagine how I'm feeling right now..
So I am in Crazy lady panic mode... but you wouldn't know it by looking at me.
*Side note* What if I never walk normally again.....

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The people in my life have to keep me grounded...

Or else I would float away....
It's true...

I can be so ridiculous sometimes...
and I'm starting to realize that and that scares me...

I have been away for the past few weeks and just a few days into my trip,
I fell and sprained my knee very badly.
It was a total bummer and it made my trip kinda suck a little bit.
I'm still not fully recovered..
and I have just learned that I incapable of sitting still...
It's a problem when I'm trying to heal...
it's taking sooo long...
at this point I'm trying to heal my self using sheer willpower...It's not working....

So yeah... thats whats really been going on.

so heres a list of things I wish I could do right this moment...
1. Swim
2. Jump on a trampoline
3. Run
4. Go to the city
5. Hang out in Brooklyn w/ my Great Grandma

Here's a list of things I have to do
1. Clean my room
2. Find a job
3. Make word bubble chalk boards
4. Get my oil changed
5. Color my hair back to normal

*Side Note* I love Painting my Nails!!