I'm really upset right now, I'm just thinking about my knee and googling everything I can possibly find on ACL injury's. I know I am being obsessive, but I just want to get better.
I'm worried that my knee will never be the same.
All the things I read online are putting into my head that my ACL is torn and If its torn bad enough I could need surgery. I am so over this shit.
I don't want to have surgery nor can I afford it. I am in this horrible place mentally. All I do is think about my knee.
I went to the emergency room in South Dakota, and this is probably the New Yorker in me, but I feel like the doctor kind of dismissed me to quickly.
So I feel like he didn't carefully look over the xrays.
He said it was just a bad sprain.
He wanted me to walk on it right away and I was in such pain that I really wasn't capable.
He gave me a ace bandage and a boot out of the hospital.
Granted my knee does feel a lot better then when I was in SD,
but what if it's healing wrong or It really is torn.
I still can't fully extend my leg and that worries the shit out of me.
But I have no Insurance , so how am I supposed to know how it's progressing.
If you know me then you know my mind runs a thousand miles a minute.
So imagine how I'm feeling right now..
So I am in Crazy lady panic mode... but you wouldn't know it by looking at me.
*Side note* What if I never walk normally again.....