Monday, February 8, 2010

So burdened by talent, my fingers bleed...

I am going to be updating my Etsy shop in a few days

I'm in the process of getting everything ready.
I am really excited but scared at the same time, It's always a risk putting yourself out there.
It's almost like throwing your heart down on the kitchen table and saying "Do as you will"
Here is a poorly drawn comic to express what I mean:I think I might make "Drawing My Words" more frequent around here.

Everyone knows that I love over explained scenarios!

(Well not really everyone, and why would everyone know that or care...)

So yeah, I used to want to be a Graphic novel artist I used to enter contest and stuff but for some reason, that escapes me currently, I stopped. I think I like the first box of my poorly drawn comic the most.

Where was I going with this?...

Oh yeah my Etsy store, I plan on hopefully opening it like Thursday or Friday. So Wish me luck and I'll talk to all of you later..

( Who is this "all of you" and "everyone" I keep referring to. All of like 3 people read my blog...)

Side Note~ Thanks to all of the people that actually read the blog!~


Anonymous said...

lmao all 3 of us! and yes you're welcome. 8)

yay on opening up your site again, and yes i would like to see more of your drawings.


Zhenya said...

Yay! You have my 200% support.

Maurylyne said...

Yes!!!! Finally! I am so proud of you already and you know you have my full support :) Cant wait to browse through..let me know if you need any help.