Friday, August 14, 2009


I have a few things I want to touch base on!
First I am really excited for Say Anythings new album coming out soon and I recently purchased Tickets to see them in November.
Speaking of November, that seems to be a pretty busy month I also have Tickets to see The Flying Karamazov Brothers in Tarrytown. Yay!
I love going to Concerts and shows of my fancy, I always have.
Let me see If I can describe the feeling.
It's like when you were young and there was a night that was so fantastic when you woke up the next morning it didn't feel real, like it was a crazy vivid dream.
It's Magical thinking about it again and thinking to yourself... That really happened to me.
Wow...... I totally went into to much detail.
I'm going to be heading into V.A. in a few hours were leaving at 6 in the am, I almost don't think its worth going too sleep considering the fact that it is almost 3.
I kinda wish that the gym opened at 5am today but alas it opens at 7 or 8, I really don't know what the weekend hours are,
I usually go at obscene hours when I am having a hard time sleeping.
But whatever I think I have said what I wanted to, Night Everyone (all two of you)
Side Note* I want to see the new Hayao Miyazaki film Ponyo and learn Poi spinning!!!

Isabella Sophia (Remixed!!)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Disheartened and Reheartened..

That my car is still in the shop... It is completely horrible not to have a car in westchester.
its like you can see and then you are suddenly blind after being spoiled with sight.
and I realize I am being slightly whiny but I really miss my car.
So in honor of Ruby (My car) This post with be red. YAY!
Update: while writing this I received a phone call stating that my car is ready to be picked up!
I am so Happy. I've got my vision back!
I met my new Baby cousin Isabella Sophia Franco.
She was Born August 10th @ 7lbs and 9 ounces.
She is a Total Cutie Pie!
I am so proud of My Aunt Ale, she did an amazing job.
It wasn't an easy labor but shes a trooper.
Also I'm going to give you guys a bit of a photo Update!
I haven't done that it a while so TA DA!
My sister and I in the City
Sad Delilah, Happy Lea
The Crochet Mermaid Doll I made for Isabella
The Mermaid Doll
And that is all for right now!
Talk to you soon!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Feeling Some What Inspired....

I'm watching one of my favorite movies right now which is Stardust,
part of me wishes that life was just as magical as in movies like this.
Tonight, My Aunt was induced into labor
I expect my new baby cousin will be here very soon.
I must admit i am very excited, I can't wait to see her grow up
I have been thinking about her and all the things I want to teach her.
Also I will be taking French classes soon I am totally amped about them, I have been wanting to learn French forever!!
Part of me is wondering that because I have so many interest if I have become a Jack of all trades but a Master at none. That makes me kind of sad.
I am doing a little bit of thinking.
(I know take a step back, I don't want to hurt anyone)
But I want to refocus my energy into taking the things that I am mediocre at and make improve those skills. So thats where my head is at.
Oh and I'm working on a beret right now. YAY!
Side note* I am really fed up of certian people.